I see now that OSU is going to take the settle route and just present the program and see why what he says. FSU/UF/Tenn is not going out that simple. It's ok right now b/c they cant call him directly and I filter the calls and basically call back at our own time. But they sure do call and email and write and text me 24/7. I kind of like OSU approach but in these times it makes it look like you dont care either way. All OSU need to do right now is write him a ton expressing their interest in him. Like I said before a while back, Im still wanting to know if LJ is a guy they are just throwing a brick at seeing if they will hit, or a top guy they really want to secure if possible. I'm steering him to the best possible program that fits his character, spirit, emotions, physical, and social well being that I feel will greatly benefit him. I'm only half of the equation though, he has to make the tough decision and filter out who's words and voice he's going to listen to.