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Kevin (Tim “Asshat” Racadb) Warren (ex-B1G Commissioner)

What is so difficult about just saying something to the effect of "We have always made decisions, with the information that we have at that time with the best interest of our student athletes in mind. While important to remember the past, there is no value in looking backward or dwelling on the past. We are excited for the future of B1G sports and what it will provide and will focus our attention there."
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If the SEC pulls off this conference expansion (UT/OKU), it's going to be interesting to see how CKW handles those lines of questions/scrutiny.

"Mark BlahBlahBlah of the Chicago Tribune - given the SEC's recent shift and changing landscape of college athletics, can you share with us any plans on how the B1G is planning on moving forward?"

CKW: "Well as I've said before, we're always monitoring these things and any action we do take will be made with the best interests of our student athletes"

That shit isn't going to cut it.
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“What really is the essence of regret?” Warren said. “What does that really mean?
I don’t have any regrets. Quite naturally, we all look back on our lives and there are things we wish we maybe would have done a little bit differently. But if I had to do it all over last year, I would make the same decisions that we made.”

B1G bros, no shit talking, but this is not your guy.
He wouldn't last 45 minutes in God's football conference.
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B1G bros, no shit talking, but this is not your guy.
He wouldn't last 45 minutes in God's football conference.

What I would like to know: Who are the people that made the decision to hire this guy in the first place? Some of these reporters need to find them. THOSE are the people that need to be asked about regret.
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What will it take for him to be replaced?

Probably already happening behind the scenes. Short of some kind of public scandal there will be no immediate and public termination that people want. These things just aren't done that way.

I'm guessing he moves on to the next phase of his career soon though. The University Presidents are not stupid people. They know they made a mistake and they already have Alvarez in place to help mitigate the damage.
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Probably already happening behind the scenes. Short of some kind of public scandal there will be no immediate and public termination that people want. These things just aren't done that way.

I'm guessing he moves on to the next phase of his career soon though. The University Presidents are not stupid people. They know they made a mistake and they already have Alvarez in place to help mitigate the damage.

If I were one of them there would have been discussions about having Alvarez do the talking at the Football Media Days event as he is in charge of football. After the discussion, I can see it being decided that you have to let Kevin take the podium because of how it would look if he didn't. But again, if I'm one of them and we've made the decision to let Kevin take the podium, we absolutely would have called him on the carpet to let us know how he would field questions about last year. If they'd done that, they could have forestalled this extravaganza of nitrogenous waste.

Then again, it seems entirely possible that they decided to let him go out there and give a performance that will make the next step that much easier.
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“We’re going to sit down and figure out the best way to rotate it, probably take out a [request for proposal] for basketball and football,” Warren told NJ.com. “I’m open to any location our fans will travel to and enjoy in our footprint, anywhere from Nebraska to New Jersey.”

Just sayin': Probably a good idea. Hey, the B1G can make a few more bucks by awarding it to the highest bidder?
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“We’re going to sit down and figure out the best way to rotate it, probably take out a [request for proposal] for basketball and football,” Warren told NJ.com. “I’m open to any location our fans will travel to and enjoy in our footprint, anywhere from Nebraska to New Jersey.”

Just sayin': Probably a good idea. Hey, the B1G can make a few more bucks by awarding it to the highest bidder?

It could get confusing, trying to keep track of all the B1G Championship sites that TTUN never makes it to.
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If the SEC pulls off this conference expansion (UT/OKU), it's going to be interesting to see how CKW handles those lines of questions/scrutiny.

"Mark BlahBlahBlah of the Chicago Tribune - given the SEC's recent shift and changing landscape of college athletics, can you share with us any plans on how the B1G is planning on moving forward?"

CKW: "Well as I've said before, we're always monitoring these things and any action we do take will be made with the best interests of our student athletes"

That shit isn't going to cut it.
Running far away from Texas would be a universally beloved choice by him
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What is so difficult about just saying something to the effect of "We have always made decisions, with the information that we have at that time with the best interest of our student athletes in mind. While important to remember the past, there is no value in looking backward or dwelling on the past. We are excited for the future of B1G sports and what it will provide and will focus our attention there."

Because doubling down on your stupidity is always the better choice, duh!
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Probably already happening behind the scenes. Short of some kind of public scandal there will be no immediate and public termination that people want. These things just aren't done that way.

I'm guessing he moves on to the next phase of his career soon though. The University Presidents are not stupid people. They know they made a mistake and they already have Alvarez in place to help mitigate the damage.
Well, if it has to be a public termination, that shit is going to cost a lot more.
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