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Kevin (Tim “Asshat” Racadb) Warren (ex-B1G Commissioner)

They are not going to just up and fire someone at that level, short of some sort of clear smoking gun for-cause event.

The Alvarez hiring shows that they know they made a mistake imo. I'd expect warren to decide to explore next phase in his career type opportunity before too much longer.
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They are not going to just up and fire someone at that level, short of some sort of clear smoking gun for-cause event.

The Alvarez hiring shows that they know they made a mistake imo. I'd expect warren to decide to explore next phase in his career type opportunity before too much longer.
Yeah even if they know they fucked up it's usually find something else by yourself or we won't renew your contract more then fire at that level unless you royally F'd the pooch
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Just sayin': He's an even bigger ass hat than I thought......:nod:
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Kick off of B1G Media days

Media members haven't been in the same room as him since before COVID

"Thinks it's manufactured"
"Reflect, Adjust, Communicate, and Do Better"

Not only was someone bound to ask about it; he's going to be hounded about it by everyone.

Earlier this week, one of the Ohio State media members put this whole topic under the heading of, "Things we shouldn't bother asking because they won't be answered"
The above could be called a tone-deaf answer, but the truth is it's closer to a tone-deaf evasion
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