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Kevin (Tim “Asshat” Racadb) Warren (ex-B1G Commissioner)

I thought that it was one of those “lawyered-up” statements where you don’t directly say who you’re talking about. ...until I got to the last line that is ...

“To Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren, Reflect, Adjust, Communicate, and Do Better."



  • upload_2021-5-29_8-41-46.gif
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Thread title change thoughts:

Kevin "thinks it's manufactured" Warren


Kevin "Reflect, Adjust, Communicate, and Do Better" Warren

or "Asshat"

maybe we make a poll?

how many bytes do we get in a thread title.

Kevin ‘(the)Asshat who thinks it’s manufactured, but should reflect, adjust, communicate and do better’ Warren

If that’s too many, drop the Kevin and Warren from the title. Even with what remains, it’s sufficient.
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Thread title change thoughts:

Kevin "thinks it's manufactured" Warren


Kevin "Reflect, Adjust, Communicate, and Do Better" Warren

or "Asshat"

maybe we make a poll?

how many bytes do we get in a thread title.

Kevin ‘(the)Asshat who thinks it’s manufactured, but should reflect, adjust, communicate and do better’ Warren

If that’s too many, drop the Kevin and Warren from the title. Even with what remains, it’s sufficient.

I turned it into an acronym and put “asshat” in the middle

Hope that meets everyone’s needs
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