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Just Curious: What's your honest opinion of LSU?

I, too, see many flaws in LSU. I don't see them being world beaters, or the greatest football team ever that we were made to believe at the beginning of the year. Not to say that I don't see flaws in OSU, I think this will be a great matchup and we match up perfectly for us to pull out the big "V".
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NJ-Buckeye;1017708; said:
I feel like teams that play AT LSU get screwed virtually every game by homer refs..

The stats say otherwise.

VT 7-65 LSU 7-62
MT 3-20 LSU 10-58
SC 3-20 LSU 5-39
UF 2-8 LSU 7-61
Au 3-20 LSU 5-35
LT 6-75 LSU 8-60
Ark 9-62 LSU 4-35

Only once all season did we get flagged fewer times than our opponent at home.only 3 out of 8 did the penalty yards favor us at home, and one of those was only by 3 yards.
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Nutriaitch;1017852; said:
The stats say otherwise.

VT 7-65 LSU 7-62
MT 3-20 LSU 10-58
SC 3-20 LSU 5-39
UF 2-8 LSU 7-61
Au 3-20 LSU 5-35
LT 6-75 LSU 8-60
Ark 9-62 LSU 4-35

Only once all season did we get flagged fewer times than our opponent at home.only 3 out of 8 did the penalty yards favor us at home, and one of those was only by 3 yards.

Yeah, but think how many penalty yards you would have had if the refs WEREN'T screwing the visitors. :p
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my very uneducated opinion of lsu.

one of the most talented teams in the country, top flight talent at every position and stupid deep, very fast, very physical, potentially don't always play to their level of talent (i wonder if they might play down to their competition at times ex. kentucky and arkansas), a little bit undisciplined, a small but vocal group of sec fans seem to think they are dirty. i don't have enough information to have an opinion one way or another. but i will be watching the actions of their players a little more closely than i normally would.

alot of people like to call miles a gambler type of guy. maybe that fits, i don't know. he strikes me as a conservative coach that when the time comes to take a chance... he really goes there. he seems to have no fear putting the outcome of the game on a single play long before the time on the clock might actually require it. im not sure i agree with the consistancy with which he does so. but there is no question the man has balls. theres also no question the man trusts his guys. or atleast some moreso than others.
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Nutriaitch;1017866; said:
Not many. Those "half the distance to the goal" we're so go at, don't add up too quickly :lol:


Brilliant scheme! Hmm....when your offense has the ball inside it's own five yard line.....have you ever considered the possibility of taking repeated delay of game penalties until the other team jumps offside? The refs can only move it so close to the goalline befor you stop losing yards on the penalty!
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Nutriaitch;1017852; said:
The stats say otherwise.

VT 7-65 LSU 7-62
MT 3-20 LSU 10-58
SC 3-20 LSU 5-39
UF 2-8 LSU 7-61
Au 3-20 LSU 5-35
LT 6-75 LSU 8-60
Ark 9-62 LSU 4-35

Only once all season did we get flagged fewer times than our opponent at home.only 3 out of 8 did the penalty yards favor us at home, and one of those was only by 3 yards.

Yes, but those are against other southern teams.

You put us in there and you get:

"In retribution for the burning of Atlanta. Personal foul, on the Yankees. That's a fifteen yard penalty, 3 points for LSU and the ball, FIRST DOWN!"

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Bucky Katt;1017873; said:

Brilliant scheme! Hmm....when your offense has the ball inside it's own five yard line.....have you ever considered the possibility of taking repeated delay of game penalties until the other team jumps offside? The refs can only move it so close to the goalline befor you stop losing yards on the penalty!

Eventually, they'll jump offsides..and you actually gain yards..

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To go back to the original question, I think LSU has established themselves as a power house in college football, they get a lot of respect from me, they play in a tough division, they have loads of talent. No-one, that I know of, thinks of LSU as anything less than a tough, hard nosed football team that has the ability to beat anyone, anywhere at any time.

Having said all this, I've watched LSU a few times this year and early on, I thought they were just going to run away with it. Then I watched the UK game and I was struck by something. Arrogance. Not in the players but in the coaching staff.

Specifically, on the last series of the game. The background, for those that didn't watch the game, is that pretty much for the entire game LSU ran it up the wazoo of UK to the tune of some 260 yards in the game as I recall. But on that last series, they ran 4 consecutive times at UK. I think a "reasonable" head coach would have tried the pass at least one time, probably on 3rd and 4th after they got stuffed on 2nd down.

It just struck me as very "Lloyd Carr-esque" and I thought to myself right then and there that the only thing holding them back was ego. The other minor point I would make is that the defense gave up a lot of points to UK (43) and Arkansas (50) but then they showed up and played their guts out against Tennessee, which I didn't really understand.

I watch their defense, I think to myself that they have a ton of talent there but it seems they sometimes show up sometimes they don't.

About the game? Well, I think we're in for a tough match and I hope we get an early big lead and hold on to the ball and play keep away like we did with TSUN, except I think we would need a bigger lead.

Oh and I'm very impressed with Jacob Hester, he's a monster, Charles Scott is tough and of course your QB in Flynn is very talented as well. We're going to have our hands full but I think it will be a helluva game to watch, I can't wait.
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Nutriaitch;1017866; said:
Not many. Those "half the distance to the goal" we're so go at, don't add up too quickly :lol:

AKAKBUCK;1017875; said:
Yes, but those are against other southern teams.

You put us in there and you get:

"In retribution for the burning of Atlanta. Personal foul, on the Yankees. That's a fifteen yard penalty, 3 points for LSU and the ball, FIRST DOWN!"



God help us if we have Big East refs. Let's just see who gets the holding calls in this game (if anyone) - OSU is one of the most held teams I've seen all season, especially Gholston, who gets the "Shaq treatment" from college refs (reffed differently than everyone else do to superhuman strenght)
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LSU is a very talented but very inconsistent team. They have big playmakers at most positions but take a lot of plays off. They rely on key big plays because they lack the patience or discipline to maintain long possessions. Their defense relies on Dline pressure and they havent had that since Dorsey got hurt.

Long scoring drives will limit their opportunities, Tresselball is the perfect foil in my opinion.
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martinss01;1017870; said:
a small but vocal group of sec fans seem to think they are dirty. i don't have enough information to have an opinion one way or another. but i will be watching the actions of their players a little more closely than i normally would.
Agreed. I don't know enough about it, but my eyes will be looking for it..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2k0FLerfDg]YouTube - LSU FOOTBALL 101[/ame]
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