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Just Curious: What's your honest opinion of LSU?

what's ironic is that LSU has always (always being a relative term; i hadn't really thought about college football outside the realm of Ohio State until 5 or 6 years ago) been my favorite SEC team. i'm a huge fan of defensive teams, and LSU always seems to play extremely well in the trenches, which i enjoy watching and respect.

plus, great uniforms.
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When I think about LSU, I think about great defense, AMAZING D-Line, a stadium you don't want to play in as an opponent (one word: LOUD!), and students you want to party with every weekend.

No real bad thoughts, honestly. Thoughts about the SEC's Florida is another question though.
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Nutriaitch;1018161; said:
We tried that, but it didn't work too well in those 2 games :sad:

Buck up little tiger.

You're still undefeated in regulation.
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Nutriaitch;1018182; said:
Undefeated at home in regulation since Miles showed up.:biggrin2:

Hopefully with him staying the trend will continue. This should be one of the better bowl games to watch. This is the match up I wanted to see early on... besides an LSU/USC match up to shut them up about the 03 season.
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Electron Boy;1018190; said:
this would have been GLORIOUS

Tell me about it. One of their trolls came to our board spouting off during the BCS selction show. Calling us "paper" champions. because OSU is a fraud. They're gonna prove it next year, it should be them and UGA in the game, blah blah blah blah blah.
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zincfinger;1018223; said:
Because only the last four games of the season really count. The rest is all just a big scrimmage.

Yeah, Mark Richt said something to the effect of "name me a team playing better football since Oct. 6"

Um hey mark. Our season started Aug 30. Maybe if y'all started playing that weekend instead of waiting a month, you'd have gotten a shot at us in Atlanta.
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Tigerkid05;1017408; said:
I'm familiar with OSU and what y'all are capable of and to tell you the truth, I'm more nervous than a whore at church at the thought of playing y'all for the title. I mean, y'all have more than enough motivation after that game last year. So, what do you think about us?
In all honesty, I have seldom seen a major matchup wherein the teams so resembled one another. The players might think they were looking into a mirror if the team colors weren't so different.

Your QB and ours are both basically game managers who still have the arms to do some very good things. Both teams have very strong D-lines (though yours seems to rely more on a single player - Dorsey - than does ours). Both teams are blessed with tougher-than-nails tailbacks (I love Jacob Hester's game, and Beanie will be a Heisman favorite in 2008 IMO).

And for all the hooey about "SEC speed and Big Ten brawn," there is plenty of brawn in Red Stick and plenty of giddyup in Columbus.

Should be a great game!
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I have watched 4 or 5 LSU games this season, and I will say this- I truly believe that Ohio State will be the faster team on the field, and that LSU will be the more physical. LSU is a smash-mouth football team. This will be by far the most physical game that either team will play this year, and I think that the team that comes out and hits you in the mouth from the first play on will gain an edge.

I love Hester, and I think that the reason that Les is so eager to go for it on 4th and 1 or 2 is that Hester almost never gets stopped for less than 1 or 2, because he runs with his pad level so low and has so much power in his legs. Les feels like he can count on Hester for at least 1 or 2 on every play, and so he is comfortable going for it on 4th down. Ohio State has been weak between the tackles on defense all year, and we will need to improve upon this or Hester and Scott will run all over us.

Count me as unimpressed with LSU's secondary. If not for Dorsey, I really think LSU is at best a top-20 defense in the country. With Dorsey, they are top 2. Thats how good Dorsey is in every facet of the game. Chevis Jackson is a good corner, but Zenon is very vulnerable, and I really haven't been impressed with Steltz this year. Take away the 3 picks from Miss. St. when the quarterback just closed his eyes and chucked the ball downfield, and he has a decent 4 picks. Maybe its his awful haircut, which I have trouble getting over, but something about him just says overrated to me.

Again, make no mistake about it, this will be the most physical football game you will see this year. We will see some trick plays from both offenses, but for the most part it will be 3 yards and a cloud of dust on both sides of the ball. If tOSU can force LSU repeatedly into 3rd and long and let Gholston tee off on LSU's tackles, then I think that tOSU will win this game. But forcing them into 3rd and long repeatedly will prove to be about as tough as stopping Dorsey.
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There's lots of great analysis in here. The first thing I'll say is that LSU and Ohio State both deserve to be in this game, because we have the two most complete teams in the country. There are better offenses, and certainly better special teams (particularly in the coverage phase), but no two teams bring as much balance and defense as the Bucks and Tigers. Talent-wise, these are the two best defenses in college football.

Both teams are fast and physical, and the idea that LSU might be more physical and Ohio State might be faster is interesting -- from the games I have seen, I'm inclined to agree.

I see LSU's offense also as similar to ours, with the exception of the Perilloux factor. While we have our own QB/Athlete in Henton, he hasn't seen the field for most of the season, and there's no reason to believe that he'll be a significant part of our game plan.

Other than a high number of penalties, I am not buying into the "undisciplined" tag on LSU. They don't seem to turn the ball over with regularity, or take bad angles, make sloppy tackles, "lookout" block, etc. (ie. look like Michigan). People want to point to the Kentucky and Arkansas games, but I think that the argument can easily be made that both UK and the Hogs saved their best games of the season respectively for the Tigers. Never evaluate a team by it's "worst" game. We will no more play the UK game LSU team than they will play the Illinois game Buckeyes.

What I see is two teams who will hit each other strength on strength. Our power running game with Beanie Wells goes right into the core of their defense -- their DTs. Their fast WR corps goes up against what is arguably the best secondary in America. Hester's straight ahead, fall forward style hits head-on with Lil' Animal Laurinaitis, who is arguably the best Mike out there.

All in all, I like this LSU team when I've seen them. Straight power football, with some WR speed to keep the safeties honest; fast, hard hitting defense built around a powerful DL -- this is our brand of football. In a way, they look a lot like Texas last year, but with more experience at QB.

As far as the fan base, any group of people who can make the ground shake ("Earthquake game") is okay in my book.
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