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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

I posted this on BN, so I thought I would post it here too. I was informed today that Texas is no longer the leader for Barksdale's services...and that they have slipped back even with the pack. It seems that a new school has emerged...

All part of the game? Who knows....

I'm still sticking to my guns though, Barksdale will be a Buckeye in the end.

could this new school be usc? usc vs osu? just like osu v texas or, osu vs michigan or, osu vs nd?
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So far, Barksdale has had love affairs with Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame, and Texas, so it's not exactly surprising that a new suitor has emerged. No sense trying to "call" this one until Signing Day.
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but all of his "love affairs" have been competing with osu, he says he likes a school and says it is new school x vs osu, michigan is no longer in the hunt, notre dame is no longer in the hunt, texas will no longer be in the hunt shortly, and this new team will be cast aside within a few weeks, there has been one constant amidst his ever changing recruitment
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Anybody who doesn't want this kid is crazy. I too believe that he will end up in S&G when all is said and done. He is obviously one of the staffs top targets. Honestly, if Joseph doesn't go to UM I'll be happy.
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Detroit News


The making of a champion
Through diet, workouts, greatness has become a lifestyle choice

Tom Markowski / The Detroit News

When Joseph Barksdale trains, he's all business. After conditioning with the track team at Detroit Cass Tech, Barksdale brings his work home. For five to six hours a day, six days a week, Barksdale lifts weights at his home in Detroit.

If Barksdale received hourly wages for his labors, he would be paid overtime. And this was the offseason for the 6-foot-6, 315-pound senior lineman.

"When I'm practicing with the (football) team, it's (weight-lifting sessions) down to two hours a day," he said. "I do whatever it takes to get better. Except to take supplements. I made a promise to myself to keep my body clean.

"I train 12 months. I don't take any breaks, except I don't work out Sundays. I give my body a chance to regroup."
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Rivals $


Update by Texas Rivals. Joseph says he's concentrating on his upcoming season and not recruiting right now. He does say he'll evaluate all the schools he's considering on both academics and how they play, especialy on the defensive line.
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