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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Texas accepted a verbal today from DL Sam Acho, which probably takes them out of the Barksdale sweepstakes, given that they only have 1 or maybe 2 schollies left and several big in-state targets- DE Richetti Jones-remaining.
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Texas is at 23 verbals...and still have offers out to the likes of TX DE Richetti Jones (as stx mentioned), GA ATH Eric Berry, TX LB Derrick Stephens, TX S Christian Scott, FL CB Brandon Paul and NC LB Albert Craddock, in addition to Barksdale...
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Texas is at 23 verbals...and still have offers out to the likes of TX DE Richetti Jones (as stx mentioned), GA ATH Eric Berry, TX LB Derrick Stephens, TX S Christian Scott, FL CB Brandon Paul and NC LB Albert Craddock, in addition to Barksdale...

How many do they have room for (ie early enrollees)? I imagine they will make room for Barksdale if he wants to go there.
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How many do they have room for (ie early enrollees)? I imagine they will make room for Barksdale if he wants to go there.

Not entirely positive, but most UT recruiniks have now conceded that Richetti is not going to be a part of this class. They seem to think that they will still land Barksdale and miss on Scott, who seems to favor Oklahoma. They may either go after one more big-time national recruit or possibly look in-state and someone like Jermaine Love. At least that is what I gather from the Texas gurus.
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I actually disagree. If he is playing any "games" with any schools then it is not fair to those schools (including Texas, OSU or anybody else). I am not saying I don't want him but at times it seems like these kids get on a power trip and like to yank peoples chains just for their own satisfaction and amusement.

Now if he is truely torn and truely doesn't know where to go and likes each school, then I can certainly understand that.

I actually disagree. Barksdale may or may not be playing aong one or more schools, getting the greatest mileage out of his visits to schools and towns far flung and highly rated. All of the schools presently listed have a fair shot at Joe, and that is fine in my book. I highly doubt that any of the schools involved will feel slighted in any way shape or form when Joe picks his final home for the next few years of his life.

It isn't as if Joe is making a commit to one location, then when a new suitor comes along, opening things up again. It is likely true that all the schools involved, and their recruiting coaches and coordinators are significantly thicker in the dermis than us mere 'net surfing fans.
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One thing I've come to realize in this recruiting game, sometimes it is not the kid who is stringing along the schools. There is big money in these articles now...and sites take full advantage of the current hunger for info.
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from everything I read down here Barksdale is the one guy that we are still going after strong...as was mentioned Jones has all basically been conceded. Most of the guys that follow this stuff really closely (read: Not Me) seem to think that Texas is going to land Barksdale
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High Lonesome said:
from everything I read down here Barksdale is the one guy that we are still going after strong...as was mentioned Jones has all basically been conceded. Most of the guys that follow this stuff really closely (read: Not Me) seem to think that Texas is going to and Barksdale
You are a wise man.
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I actually disagree. If he is playing any "games" with any schools then it is not fair to those schools (including Texas, OSU or anybody else). I am not saying I don't want him but at times it seems like these kids get on a power trip and like to yank peoples chains just for their own satisfaction and amusement.

Now if he is truely torn and truely doesn't know where to go and likes each school, then I can certainly understand that.

And this is all part of the recruiting "game". A lot of these kids just like to be wined and dined, to take the trips. It must be very ego building to have these schools chasing them. It would be the first time outside of high school where they are made to feel important.
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