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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Rivals $


Update by ND rivals site. Joseph will make an unofficial visit to Notre Dame on 9/16. He's still planning out his official visits. He's been staying in touch with the coaches of Notre Dame, Ohio State, USC and Miami regularly.

Has Texas fallen off the pace?
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ND is the new UT i think. Hopefully he will drop them too.

IIRC ND was in the picture early...he already fell in and out of love with them once...which makes them *a little* more dangerous than the others, but OSU remains the only consistent horse in the race.

Honestly, after all that has happened I would not be surprised to hear UM is in the hunt after all the turns this story has taken....
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Unless ND makes a big surge. The one thing that gives me any optimism is that osu is the only team to be a constant in this race.

Allow me to add a few more things I believe are in our favor: JT has the program at the point anyone would agree tOSU football program is in the top five. This is not a debatable matter, the Buckeyes have pr oven it on the field. Three of the last four years the Buckeyes have finished in the top five.

I can't give you numbers but the defense played under JT at tOSU I'm guessing would also have to be considered top five. The depth chart
could not look better to Barksdale unless your comparing it to Kent State or something. There is no need to BS anyone about the chance of early playing time on a great team.
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I think you are right HotMic. Hey there is nothing wrong with playing the recruiting game like he was.

I actually disagree. If he is playing any "games" with any schools then it is not fair to those schools (including Texas, OSU or anybody else). I am not saying I don't want him but at times it seems like these kids get on a power trip and like to yank peoples chains just for their own satisfaction and amusement.

Now if he is truely torn and truely doesn't know where to go and likes each school, then I can certainly understand that.
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