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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Cwood24 said:
Barksdale's recruitment isn't close to be finished.

I would not be surprised to see him end up at Michigan, Ohio State, or Texas. Don't forget about Notre Dame either, seems like his mother really cares about academics more than anything and Charlie Weis could sell a ketchup popsicle to a lady in a white dress. Remember, mama has to sign his LOI and plus shes mom, so naturally she's going to have alot of say as to where he winds up.
corny Tommy Boy reference.
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And parents should be significantly involved...

Right. But alot of them are not. Some parents will let there kid go to whatever school the kid wants to go. Joe's ma doesn't strike me as one. If she doesn't want JB to go somewhere she'll set her foot down and that means he's not going to that school.

Personally, I think parents should be involved but if the kid is 18 years old he should be allowed to go wherever he wants. If an 18 year old can vote and fight in a war for his country he should be able to go to any school he wishes without having to have his parent sign his LOI.
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Right. But alot of them are not. Some parents will let there kid go to whatever school the kid wants to go. Joe's ma doesn't strike me as one. If she doesn't want JB to go somewhere she'll set her foot down and that means he's not going to that school.

Personally, I think parents should be involved but if the kid is 18 years old he should be allowed to go wherever he wants. If an 18 year old can vote and fight in a war for his country he should be able to go to any school he wishes without having to have his parent sign his LOI.

If he is 18 his parents dont have to sign his LOI
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He's a kid from Michigan so he just is not going to have a special feeling for us.
And those women in Austin look fine!
But, Columbus is a heck of a lot closer than Austin! :tongue2:
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I thought the tommy boy reference was going to be the cow thing. You know, I can stick my head up a cow's...... etc.

This thread exhibits a lot of what I like about this site. Lots of objectivity and rational, level-headed discussion.

Finally, on JB......
when I posted earlier in this thread, I was pessimistic for a few reasons. The biggest one was that this situation is so very similar to what has happened in the past when Mack tries to snag an out of state blue chipper (he doesn't go after many). We almost always come in second place to a school closer to home, and we still might. It just seemed for so long he was OSU's to lose. Like many of you, I hope he goes to Austin instead of Ann Arbor.:biggrin:
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I posted this on BN, so I thought I would post it here too. I was informed today that Texas is no longer the leader for Barksdale's services...and that they have slipped back even with the pack. It seems that a new school has emerged...

All part of the game? Who knows....

I'm still sticking to my guns though, Barksdale will be a Buckeye in the end.
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HotMic said:
I posted this on BN, so I thought I would post it here too. I was informed today that Texas is no longer the leader for Barksdale's services...and that they have slipped back even with the pack. It seems that a new school has emerged...

All part of the game? Who knows....

I'm still sticking to my guns though, Barksdale will be a Buckeye in the end.
Is this new school golden?
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