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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Regardless, OSU will have a great D-Line class. Looking good for Brent, Jeremiah, and Thomas, and still good for Martin. Joe is probably being put in a tough position with so many people in his support group pushing him in one direction when he might not know what he wants. It'd be tough to tell a coach "no" in that case, and maybe Joseph is too nice in a way.
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If we unfortunately don't land Joe, do we only take 2 DT's (Brent & Jeremiah) and move some guys inside from previous classes, and if so... who? I assume Rose and/or Worthington, since those are who I have heard the most about being move to Tackle.
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If we unfortunately don't land Joe, do we only take 2 DT's (Brent & Jeremiah) and move some guys inside from previous classes, and if so... who? I assume Rose and/or Worthington, since those are who I have heard the most about being move to Tackle.

Barrow will play some DT this season hes up to at least 275 lbs.

That gives us Abdallah, Garnier, Delinger, Larimore, and Barrow at DT next season.
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Barrow will play some DT this season hes up to at least 275 lbs.

That gives us Abdallah, Garnier, Delinger, Larimore, and Barrow at DT next season.

I wouldn't be surprised if Barrow made the move to DT (a lot of people speculated that we were taking him as such when we recruited him), but this is the first I've heard anything as far as him moving to DT for this coming year. He was on the depth chart at DE this past spring. Was he taking any snaps at DT too or are you speculating?
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I wouldn't be surprised if Barrow made the move to DT (a lot of people speculated that we were taking him as such when we recruited him), but this is the first I've heard anything as far as him moving to DT for this coming year. He was on the depth chart at DE this past spring. Was he taking any snaps at DT too or are you speculating?

Hes listed at 6'5" 275 lbs. on the updated roster, and I believe coaches have said he will play the David Patterson type of role, where hes capable of playing inside or out.
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Anybody else here been to Austin? I went for a weekend when I was stationed in Texas and had a freaking blast! I was 21 and never been to Texas before. It seemed that every girl there was phenomenal and very very nice (take my word for it). That being said, I wasn't being recruited to play football for the defending national champions. I had to pay for my room and drinks and food and gas and all that. The kid got the red carpet rolled out for him and he enjoyed it. Who wouldn't? The most important factor here is that Joe wasn't born and raised Buckeye. Hey nobody's perfect.:wink2:

These guys are allowed to change their minds. We all know this by now. Usually I don't say much regarding recruiting except for the kids I know of personally but it seems everybody's a little riled over this particular recruit. If he were from Ohio I might be more inclined to have strong feelings regarding this one, but its still early, he's young, and we're about to win another national title so alls looking pretty good from where I'm sitting!

Oh just wanted to say thanks for the info guys, keep up the good work.
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Guys, I just split off some disappointing posts in this thread...we will NOT tolerate any form of negativity towards kids. If you have some inside info that might cause an uproar on the boards (ex. silent verbals), sometimes it is best to simply sit on that info until the situation plays out.

We run a tight ship here and the kids will ALWAYS come first. Clean it up or we will tighten the leash.

Joseph Barksdale has every right to take visits to anywhere, change his mind as many times as he wishes, and commit to the school of his choice. If you cannot handle that reality, do not post your negativity on this site.

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That is CRAZY talk grad and you know it!!!!!

We as Buckeye fans have the god given authority to make kids come here even if another school fits their wants/needs better. I request an immediate removal of grads absurd post.

:oh: :io:

Anyway, If Joseph feels Texas is best for him, great. I am not sure the whole story and I would have liked to have him here, but fans need to remember we are dealing with 17 year old kids who are bieng tugged in a hundred different directions by friends, family, coaches, etc. Some kids handle the process better then others, but as fans of OSU and recruiting we should do nothing but wish these KIDS well as the continue their dream of playing pro football and while they get an opportunity to become student-athletes.
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Tight Ship

I do appreciate that BP enforces their standards. If I had a wish it would be that standards would be raised even moreso.

Thanks for doing a fine job of moderating. It's the difference between an informative, enjoyable experience vs. a mean and meaningless battle of personalities.
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Barksdale's recruitment isn't close to be finished.

I would not be surprised to see him end up at Michigan, Ohio State, or Texas. Don't forget about Notre Dame either, seems like his mother really cares about academics more than anything and Charlie Weis could sell a ketchup popsicle to a lady in a white dress. Remember, mama has to sign his LOI and plus shes mom, so naturally she's going to have alot of say as to where he winds up.
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You really think that Mama will refuse to sign his LOI if he picks Ohio State? I only recall one occasion where a parent refused to sign an LOI (and he eventually signed it).

Whitney Lewis wanted to go to FSU, but mom refused him to go anywhere but USC, and wouldn't sign his letter of intent unless it was to USC.

It happens once or twice a year, most of the time its not as public as Lewis or Hazelton.
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Fellas I wasn't trying to imply that Mom would refuse to sign his LOI if he picked tOSU. I have no idea what Joe's Mom's feeling towards tOSU are. No idea. I wasn't trying to imply anything.

I was just merely stating the fact that Mom has a ton of power in this situation. Was merely stating the fact that JB's mama is real involved in the recruiting process. Some parents aren't as involved as his, and wherever Joe wants to go he'll have to get the go-ahead from Ma. I think I read that Mom didn't want him at Miami, which means he dropped them publicly.
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