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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Scout $


Barksdale states that Texas is the slight leader right now over tOSU. He likes their engineering program and their success sending DT's to the NFL. He likes the tradition at tOSU and Coach Tressel. He does say that his parents told him that Miami and USC were too far for him to go.
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I'm a little confused how Texas is close enough but Miami is too far?
Maybe thats why HotMic says he is still not worried about this one. I was a little concerned about the update until I read that quote.

I do think he likes Texas and what is not to like. Great city, nice looking girls, great facilities, defending NCs. I believe he is showing them a little love maybe to get something he wants.... A paid trip to potentially the best non-conference in the country in 6 weeks.
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