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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Yep, you might want to lay off the Tacos...because I know that's what it is. :wink2:

a bit off-topic but I think it's safe to say that the tacos are the opposite of the wadc45 Kool-Aid...cbf40 knows what I am talking about.

back to Joseph...Texas is still in the picture but I think HotMic would agree that there is good chance of Joseph ending up in the S&G.
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From e-mail: Todd - with Texas having so many early commitments, and so many of those being highly rated, is there any remaining uncommited prospect that is still a target of the Longhorns? Who else might Texas be recruiting at this point in time for their 2007 class?

Todd Wills: It would seem that one spot is reserved for Lincoln defensive end Richetti Jones, but there is a lot of uncertainty over whether Jones will end up a Longhorn. In fact, the thinking is he won't. I'm getting a lot of feedback right now that Oklahoma State is Richetti's ultimate destination. Oklahoma is also going to be a factor. So taking "The Machete" out of the equations, one of the two spots probably still left for Texas could go to Skyline safety Christian Scott. He will visit Texas later this month. St. Mark's defensive tackle Sam Acho could be a possibility. Texas has done well at Texas with the Thornton brothers. Detriot defensive tackle Joseph Barksdale is also still a strong contender for one of those spots.
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