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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

I said POSSIBLY start from day one, which many feel he could considering he will probably be in the 2 deep by just committing to our 07 class. Those who saw him in camp said he was dominating at the point of attack. Go Bucks
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Texas already has 22 commits, how many more can they take?

EDIT: Hopefully a Longhorn poster can fill us in?

They only took 15 in 2005, but that was bracketed with classes of what 21 and 25?

Still, that means with 22 2007 verbals, and tenders still available in that vintage, that they are burning through schollies at less than a 4-year reload clip.

BTW - Is there still a 25 limit on NCAA athletic scholarships in a given year?

(And maybe our visiting Longhorns can tell us if Texas has one of those "easier" entrant scholarships available on an academic basis, as some states have for academically qualified high school graduates).
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I just get a bad vibe recently from Barksdale. I want to land him bad but I have a "gut" feeling he is heading elsewhere. Hopefully its not just the Tacos acting up giving me that feeling :)

When it comes to gut feelings, I have learned that my gut is only accurate in determining the need for intake and the need to output. Outside of that, it's really not that good of a gauge.
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