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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

Texas is a huge state...depending on where in Texas his family ties are, it could be like saying "I'm going to Ohio State because I have family in Illinois"...
It could be worse than that. It could be like saying "I'm going to Ohio State because I have family in Salina, Kansas"

Salina is 800+ miles from Columbus and El Paso is 800+ miles from Orange, TX

OK, geography lesson over, back to Joseph. Is conventional wisdom still that he will he announce at the Army AA game?
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Like I said...if he is going to lie to the staff like that, I don't want him anyways.

Let's be fair here. These kids are being offered by great programs and universities. Can you blame them for being like a kid in a candy store and wanting to go to every school?

I don't think you can say he lied or was intentionally trying to mislead the staff. I think, if he does go to Texas, we should take his enthusiasm for Ohio State as a compliment.
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