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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

My sentiments exactly Mili... That's why I found it so interesting, especially when it was reported he was supposed to be at Michigan this weekend...

True, but I wanted to be more blunt about it so you didn't have to (and thus not get in trouble for exposing too much from the premium article). :biggrin:

Thanks for the info...definitely nice to hear. Barksdale and Gholston on the same line would be quite formidable.
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It means there are invisible dancing bananas in this thread....

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OSU is in a perfect position to land Joseph. He is good friends with Gohlstin, who is set up to have a break out year and he plays DT which is a big time position of need for OSU. The depth chart at DT is razor thin. OSU will lose Pitcock and Patterson this year. Barksdale would have a very realistic chance at earning serious playing time as a true freshman. From the outside, it sure looks positive for the Bucks.
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OSU is in a perfect position to land Joseph. He is good friends with Gohlstin, who is set up to have a break out year and he plays DT which is a big time position of need for OSU. The depth chart at DT is razor thin. OSU will lose Pitcock and Patterson this year. Barksdale would have a very realistic chance at earning serious playing time as a true freshman. From the outside, it sure looks positive for the Bucks.

looks good from the inside too...
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