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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

yea he definately knows our depth chart. i keep on telling this guy that him and Vernon (his VERY close friend) that they could do some serious damage TOGETHER since we'll lose both our starters. He wuz just like "yea.....u right about that!"
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Michigan Scout


Will have a top-5 by the beginning of his season. Most likely will not take 5 official visits, but plans on taking his mother with him to OSU and Texas.

Even the Michigan site couldnt slant this one too badly. I am concerned about Texas though...

EDIT: Spelling
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Michigan Scout


Will have a top-5 by the beginning of his season. Most likely will not take 5 official visits, but plans on taking his mother with him to OSU and Texas.

Even the Michigan site couldnt slant this one too badly. I am concerned about Texas though...

EDIT: Spelling

Let me be the first to try and spin this positive. I think he really likes Texas, as the update [and mom visit] indicate, but I've been told by a few close to the situation that Texas isn't THAT big of a deal [in relation to Ohio State]. So based on the update, and that information, it looks real good for Ohio State.
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Michigan Scout


Will have a top-5 by the beginning of his season. Most likely will not take 5 official visits, but plans on taking his mother with him to OSU and Texas.

Even the Michigan site couldnt slant this one too badly. I am concerned about Texas though...

EDIT: Spelling

sure they could. a top rated in-state kid with no interest in their program, yet highly interested in osu, play up the other schools and downplay osu.
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Could this be the classic move of using another team to see his future team play like many OSU leans have done with Michigan in the past? He could take the free trip down ot Texas for the OSU-Texas game and come to OSU for a visit.
are you implying he might want to take advantage of an opportunity to possibly see THE BIGGEST game in the entire NCAA 2006 season on someone else's dime? blasphemy
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are you implying he might want to take advantage of an opportunity to possibly see THE BIGGEST game in the entire NCAA 2006 season on someone else's dime? blasphemy

Gonna' have to disagree with you there. Ohio St.-Michigan is always the biggest game of the year. He sounded extremely impressed with Texas' facilities which was a little surprising since we're supposed to have the best or are going to have the best.
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