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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

OregonBuckeye said:
We're writing them off because they're morons. To suggest he's silently committed to UT doesn't give them much credibility.
While I will certainly accept a HotMic or RB07OSU saying there's no chance he's a silent to Texas, you don't have any credibility.....so leave it to them.
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Why are we so quick to write off Texas' insiders

Because I have no doubt about Barksdale. I have about as good as a source as I can get here and others with close sources say the exact same thing. I gurantee that the people calling Barksdale to OSU are more informed to the Texas insiders. They have some bad info.
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I have no sources or anything, but from the comments made by Joseph himself without any "inside" information leads me to believe he will be a Buckeye. He will be at the Texas game and I am sure we will know a lot more after that.
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It is entirely possible that Joeseph has no real interest in Texas. He might like to see a good football game in Sepetember. As usual, just a thought no inside info.

I learned something from Thad Gibson's offical visit to scUM for the game last season. If OSU wins the game and the recruit says he really enjoyed the visit it means one of two things. The recruit enjoys losing or he is a strong OSU lean.
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When I read Casey's post there, my immediate thought was "Wait... when was the last time that Texas actually landed a recruit from the midwest?" They've got some mighty strong kool-aid down there in Austin if they think he's a lead-pipe lock to the horns. A little bit of newly-found ego in there with the sugar, perhaps?
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i feel like we have been through this, first with michigan, then with ND, both throwing around the "lock" statement, now no one thinks he is going to either of those schools, there has been one consistant name on his list and that is osu, that being said, i never have any idea what is going on with barksdale, which is how i think he likes it
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When I read Casey's post there, my immediate thought was "Wait... when was the last time that Texas actually landed a recruit from the midwest?" They've got some mighty strong kool-aid down there in Austin if they think he's a lead-pipe lock to the horns. A little bit of newly-found ego in there with the sugar, perhaps?

2002 they pulled a 5* WR from Il. Maybe a Marquese Johnson(?)
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Man, what did people who followed recruiting do before the internet? :wink2:
A little of this


A little of that


And a little of the Dispatch.:wink2:
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