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Joseph Barksdale (OL Arizona Cardinals)

rolemodel- The other schools that think they have Barksdale locked up go by the interviews. Much more goes on than interviews and the best sources are coming from OSU and Michigan guys. Both in the know have Barksdale going to OSU, even the Michigan insiders.
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Well i think you got your point across. Yeah, im sure you got your point across. The bottom line is Barksdale is a blue-chip player and he can go to play FOOTBALL where he wants. It really doesnt matter what position he plays. I dont think he's the type of kid to get infatuated with the rankings. People need to stop caring so much.
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the only thing I get out of those experts saying he will be a
OL before, a DT is that there thinking of past players like Orlando Pace who did play both ways like D in the inside the 20. Pace would have been a great Dt in the pro's to.
I just when your that dominate on the lines either side of the ball it becomes the coaches call and we all know that DEFENSES WIN IN TRESSEL BALL and Barksdale has to like the depth here.
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this would not be the first recruit who is recruited by OSU at one position, but another position coach would love to get their hands on him.

The interview obviously got him riled up about not being a DT, and it's hard to fault a guy for that.
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how do you become the most dominate player, mostly doing defensive drills, at the biggest camp in the nation that travels around every year, where 500 of the top recruits in the region attend and people question your ability? this is BS barksdale is a friggn' DT, could he be an OG? well yea and probably DARN good one, but he WILL be an amazing DT if all the developements and healthiness goes as planned, lol, u know barksdale aint happy about this because he obviously enjoys the recruiting game, i don't care what osu insiders think it is a done deal, there are plenty of other schools insiders that think it is a done deal, he makes recruiting fun, stressful for outsiders, but hey he is THAT good and just about every top school in the nation knows he is THAT good

When game film is analyzed...every play is dissected. Kids take plays off in games...some more than others. Nobody takes a rep off at combines. Although Joseph has a great motor, it is said that he does not always use that motor.
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NFLDraftBlitz rankings:

1. Marvin Austin- 6-3, 298 lbs, Washington, D.C.- 9.5
2. John Brown- 6-2, 285 lbs, Lakeland, Florida- 9.0
3. Myles Wade- 6-2, 290 lbs, Portland, Oregon- 8.8
4. Ted Laurent- 6-2, 285 lbs, Powder Springs, Georgia- 8.5
5. Joseph Barksdale- 6-5, 305 lbs, Detroit, Michigan- 8.4
6. Kerry Murphy- 6-5, 315, Hoover, Alabama- 8.3
7. Andre Jones- 6-4, 305 lbs, El Paso, Texas- 8.2
8. Torrey Davis- 6-5, 290 lbs, Seffner, Florida- 8.1
9. Tydreke Powell- 6-3, 295 lbs, Ahoskie, North Carolina- 8.1
10. Brian Price- 6-1, 270 lbs, Los Angeles, California- 8.0
11. Tim Lamb- 6-1, 315 lbs, Tallahassee, Florida- 8.0
12. Will Blackwell- 6-4, 290 lbs, West Monroe, Louisiana- 7.9
13. Kevin Bryant- 6-6, 380 lbs, Hallandale, Florida- 7.9
14. Ian Williams- 6-1, 300 lbs, Longwood, Florida- 7.9
15. Roland Melancon- 6-2, 260 lbs, Lutcher, Louisiana- 7.8

Analysis: Once again, DT is a very strong position. Austin and Brown don't necessarily have the ideal size, but have unparalleled speed and quickness. Austin, who has been clocked as low as 4.78 in the 40, and Brown, who has the best first step in the country, are definitely going to be able to gain weight and continue their dominance at the next level. Bryant is the sleeper in this class. I've only had limited film on him, but he simply throws away his competition. He's not necessarily the fastest, but for his size, he has remarkable speed.
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I think you can all but scratch UT off his list. In a bit of a head scratcher, Mack got a verbal from a.......uhhh.........sleeper Texas DT (I'm hoping) last week. Supposedly did well in camps.

I can't see us taking more than two DT's in this class. The offer will still be on the table, but I don't think he's coming to Austin unless he really wants to.
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Date: Jun 13, 2006

Bucknuts Radio Hour

  • Excited about the Ohio State offer.
  • Mentions Ohio States defensive success.
  • Upset he only benched 185lbs 34 times; wanted 50.
  • Asked to mention his 4-5 favorites, said he could give around 10. In order of how he mentioned them: FSU, Miami, Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame, Texas, USC, Oklahoma, MSU, and LSU.
  • Wants to commit at the Army All American Game so he doesn't have to deal with the "decommit" problems from other schools.
  • Didn't grow up rooting for any particular school.
  • Biggest rivalry in sports period is Ohio State vs Michigan.
  • Talks about his size at DT [6'6'' 320lbs] and how it's more of a growing trend of DT's being bigger.
  • Says that him and Vernon Gholston are "pretty tight." Said his relationship will "definetly be considered."
  • What he likes about Ohio State: Size of campus, tradition, football is THE sport in Columbus, and academics were more impressive than anticipated.
  • Says the coaches are "down to earth" and are concerned with getting the kids graduated and not just worried about football.
  • Says him and Dionte Allen know each other but not Aaron Gant.
  • Strengths: Powerful, quick off the ball, long arms, leverage, etc.
  • Weaknesses: Wants to improve on everything.
  • High School Football Team Prediction: State Championhip
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Interesting part of it though is that Joseph is/was currently in Columbus hanging out with Vernon Gholston and friends.

Not to overstate the obvious, but that has to be a very positive sign. You don't go 350 miles roundtrip just to "hang out" with friends. You would have to think he's trying to get more familiar with the area, quite possibly because that's where he intends to be living for the next 3-4 years.
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Not to overstate the obvious, but that has to be a very positive sign. You don't go 350 miles roundtrip just to "hang out" with friends. You would have to think he's trying to get more familiar with the area, quite possibly because that's where he intends to be living for the next 3-4 years.

My sentiments exactly Mili... That's why I found it so interesting, especially when it was reported he was supposed to be at Michigan this weekend...
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