My my, what a firestorm...for what, exactly? Think Paterno has never been made fun of for his accent, or his looks, his age, his....? Heck, it happens at places like these all the time. And he makes as much fun of himself as anyone else ever could. It was a joke...maybe not funny, but a joke nonetheless. If people are offended, so be it...but personally I have waayyy to much to worry about in my life that to worry about an attempt at humor by a (nearly) 80 year old football coach. Good point about LLLLoyd Carr saying the same thing, I guess, but of course any comment is taken differently, depending on who it is coming from. Example: the comments about black athletes changing the face of college football. Now, if some 36 year-old hotshot coach said it (heck, even Fisher DeBerry), they would probably get into some trouble...when Joe says it, it was because guys like he and Hayden Frye remember what it was like before black kids had the opportunities to play that they have now. So, depending on who says it, the comment is taken differently.
What if Woody had said the same thing? Or Tressel? Would you all be outraged then? And you can't say "they never would have" because EVERYONE has tried to make a joke or said something at one time in their life and said something that didn't come off as either terribly funny or what the person had intended. I have, you have, we all have.
As far as it being because he's bitter about losing to Ohio State, that's completely off base in my opinion, because A) He's been around long enough (coached more games than most people watch in a lifetime) that a couple of losses won't exactly kill him, and B) He's dropped the last 7 to Michigan and never beat Bear Bryant, so I'd think he'd find a way to take a shot at Michigan or Alabama first.
I can't believe people get so overtly offended by these things...I have a degree from Ohio State, and I could care less what other people think about it, one way or the other...especially football coaches, for crying out loud. Do people consider the fact that people joke and take jabs at Ohio State BECAUSE everyone is so freaking sensitive? If these things warranted no reaction, they would stop...from coaches, from media, from whoever. It's the uproar they want, and it's the uproar they get. With a huge, huge bowl matchup to prepare for...why in the world are people obsessing about this?