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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

matcar;969205; said:
The QBs ARE doing exactly what JT wants them to do (sans the obvious mistakes). So we agree on that. And I have already suggested that JTs style of offense does make the defense's job easier at times so you're not breaking any new ground there either. JTs "mistake free" management style is perhaps the reason why tOSU operates an offense which sometimes isn't "high powered", but on average, effective.

I've not suggested that we are "weak" offensively. But you'd need to have your head in the sand to think that defense hasn't, on average, been the strength of our program under JT. There's no need to get upset about it, it's simply the truth and I'm glad we have JT to lead us to the promise land so often, regardless of how we get there. I've beat this up enough and you've contributed little, so I'll leave the curiosity where it is.

I'll leave my post above for you to munch on.

FTR, I don't have my head in the sand. I'm not the one pissing over how the offense isn't a strong point. You're the one who's bucking against the trend of every other poster on this thread. Apparently, you just perceive things differently than the majority of us.
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MililaniBuckeye;969315; said:
Tressel > * means "Tressel is greater than everything"

/thread. means "End of thread" (I think)

that's correct lol. i'm not suggesting closing the thread. i'm just suggesting that Tressel > * and quit with all the other chatter lol
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muffler dragon;969248; said:
I'll leave my post above for you to munch on.

FTR, I don't have my head in the sand. I'm not the one pissing over how the offense isn't a strong point. You're the one who's bucking against the trend of every other poster on this thread. Apparently, you just perceive things differently than the majority of us.

Whatever. I don't peceive things differently that the "majority". Just you. JT is fantastic as a coach. He'd be the first to tell you he has much to grow and learn about and he does that constantly. Your fanboy approach allows for nothing but adolation. What's the point... Which equals Mili's JT > *
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matcar;969575; said:
Whatever. I don't peceive things differently that the "majority". Just you. JT is fantastic as a coach. He'd be the first to tell you he has much to grow and learn about and he does that constantly. Your fanboy approach allows for nothing but adolation. What's the point... Which equals Mili's JT > *

I present DATA to support my position, and all you retort with is, "Whatever". Such a clever tool, you are. :rolleyes:

Let me explain something for you since it's apparent that you like to strawman an argument to death:

1) Averaging 25+ points per game per season IS a strong point for a team that has good to great defenses.
2) I have NEVER once written nor intimated that JT is at god-status when it comes to being an offensive mind. Therefore, please feel free to take your inferences above (and through out your other posts) and shove them squarely up your poop shoot. A mark of a person who can discuss and debate topics in a respectable manner is a lack of fallacies. Unfortunately, for you, you can't help but sow them through out your posts.

Here's a link so that you can study up. Maybe that way, you'll learn what not to include when you attempt to have a discussion/debate.

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Earle Bruce ('79-'87):
ALL [81-26-1] PF = 29.71 / PA = 16.17
UM [5-4] PF = 18.33 / PA = 16.67

John Cooper ('88-'00):
ALL [111-43-4] PF = 28.62 / PA = 17.23
UM [2-10-1] PF = 16.92 / PA = 22.92

Jim Tressel ('01-'06):
ALL [62-14-0] PF = 28.63 / PA = 16.11
UM [5-1] PF = 27.50 / PA = 24.17

JT's offenses are 1/100th of a point per game better than Cooper's juggernauts, while JT's defenses are 6/100th of a point per game better than Earle Bruce's squads.

While it is probably a surprise to most people, Earle Bruce's teams averaged more points per game and wider total scoring margins than Ohio State saw under Cooper. Most people reflect on Cooper's mid/late 90s teams featuring Eddie, Hoying, Germaine, Glenn, Galloway, and Boston, remembering those 70-0 pastings, and immediately presume Cooper brought some offensive gurus with him to Columbus. The numbers actually don't support that, though.

Most shockingly, JT is the only coach since Woody to maintain the offensive scoring average against Michigan in the last game of the year, though the defense is apt to surrender a TD over their average. Both Earle Bruce's and John Cooper's teams were ~11.5 points worse against Michigan on offense versus their career averages while at OSU.
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muffler dragon;969833; said:
I present DATA to support my position, and all you retort with is, "Whatever". Such a clever tool, you are. :rolleyes:

Let me explain something for you since it's apparent that you like to strawman an argument to death:

1) Averaging 25+ points per game per season IS a strong point for a team that has good to great defenses.
2) I have NEVER once written nor intimated that JT is at god-status when it comes to being an offensive mind. Therefore, please feel free to take your inferences above (and through out your other posts) and shove them squarely up your poop shoot. A mark of a person who can discuss and debate topics in a respectable manner is a lack of fallacies. Unfortunately, for you, you can't help but sow them through out your posts.

Here's a link so that you can study up. Maybe that way, you'll learn what not to include when you attempt to have a discussion/debate.

Right, and I could pull up figures for several other teams that average significantly more points than we do against the same opponents. So your stats are meaningless. As I have said before, I I don't think that JT is a lousy coach either on offense, but 25 pts per game isn't what several others average. His approach is different, but there's no arguing that tOSU is frequently #1 or #2 in the B10 in total D and middle of the pack in total O. Hence the comment of curiosity which prompts you to defend him as if he's even being attached. Please...

Mods, please split this crap off. I wish I'd never posted so fanboys wouldn't get upset.
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matcar;969845; said:
Mods, please split this crap off. I wish I'd never posted so fanboys wouldn't get upset.

Then just stick to opinion instead of name-calling. :wink2:

It isn't as if you and those on the other side of the argument are that far apart.
You claim the great defense shows JT can recognize and hire in the right kind of staff who put in the best schemes for their defensive players. Also that JT is not involved on D, because he makes a joke about it in a press conference.
The others are saying that, self-deprecating humor aside, JT is probably more involved in areas other than just QB / Offense than he lets on.

It isn't as if either of the sides here are insulting JT's manhood or acumen.
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matcar;968443; said:
I love JT as much as anybody, but I do find some irony that JT is 1) heavily involved in QB operations/development and 2) is almost as heavily involved in the offensive gameplan. He leaves the defensive side to Heacock. And when you look at tOSU's success during Tressel's tenure, the strong points of the team have been the defense and special teams, NOT the offense (with the exception of 2006). I'll grant you that JTs style of offense "helps" the defense to a degree, but still, the strength is usually the side he's NOT heavily involved in. Curious no?

Joe Tiller, is that you?
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mooktarr;969865; said:
Here is an idea. Those of you who think that you can coach better than JT, or presume that you can tell him what he is doing wrong go to Columbus and get hired as a coach.

The vast majority of posters here are thrilled that JT is the head coach. However, that doesn't mean that he is immune to having his decisions and strategies discussed and critiqued.

But those who wish do so should realize that their comments should be thoughtful and reasonable, or they'll quickly get ridiculed.

This is not a smack board, but it doesn't tolerate foolishness.

Personally, I think the discussion of JT's playcalling when the score was 24-0 is a reasonable topic. When it was 17-0 in the third quarter, I said out loud "One more TD and then we'll see Tresselball the rest of the way." I was surprised that tOSU was still throwing frequently after that, when running the ball and punting would have seemed the surest way to seal the victory, and it would have been consistent with JT's playcalling in the past. Perhaps the offensive penalties dictated some of the pass plays being called. Hopefully it was a learning experience for Boeckman and the O-line (who otherwise played great).
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