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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

Matt Hinton takes a look at JT's contract, particularly the clauses that would allow the University to terminate it with cause-
"Fraud and dishonesty in performance of his duties or responsibilities under this agreement."
"Fraud or dishonesty in preparing, falsifying, submitting or altering documents or records of Ohio State, NCAA or the Big Ten conference ? or permitting, encouraging or condoning such fraudulent or dishonest acts by any other person, provided that Coach had actual knowledge of such fraudulent or dishonest acts or reasonably should have known about such fraudulent or dishonest acts."
"Failure by Coach to report promptly to the Director in writing any violations known to Coach of governing athletic rules or Ohio State rules and regulations by Coach, the assistant coaches, students or other persons under the direct supervision of Coach."
"Commission of or participation in by Coach of any act, situation, or occurrence which, in Ohio State's reasonable judgment, brings Coach into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule or failure by Coach to conform his personal conduct to conventional standards of good citizenship? including but not limited to, acts of dishonesty, misrepresentation, fraud or violence that may not rise to a level warranting criminal prosecution by the relevant authorities."
Additionally, Hinton believes that it won't be until after the 2011 season (hearing in August, ruling later than that) that the University will make a decision regarding Tress' future.
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MaliBuckeye;1912676; said:
Matt Hinton takes a look at JT's contract, particularly the clauses that would allow the University to terminate it with cause-
Additionally, Hinton believes that it won't be until after the 2011 season (hearing in August, ruling later than that) that the University will make a decision regarding Tress' future.

It could be said that tOSU made the decision before the press conference in early March. Nothing significant has occurred since then - the University, from what we can discern, has known all of the things that have slowly leaked out in the press over the last several weeks.

The eventual NCAA ruling can affect how JT will be viewed by some decision makers, but I don't think that his salary will be a significant issue in any decision by either tOSU or by JT involving his potential departure.
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What would happen if Tressel just came totally clean? If he held a press conference and said something like: "I made a mistake. I tell our kids all the time that they have to conduct themselves in the proper way if they want to play and I didn't do that myself. I apologize for that. My competitiveness, my will to win football games at Ohio State got in the way of me doing the right thing. I knew what I was doing was wrong. We had a chance to have a special season and I ignored a fundamental part of my job. I apologize for that, too."

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Tanner;1912901; said:
What would happen if Tressel just came totally clean? If he held a press conference and said something like: "I made a mistake. I tell our kids all the time that they have to conduct themselves in the proper way if they want to play and I didn't do that myself. I apologize for that. My competitiveness, my will to win football games at Ohio State got in the way of me doing the right thing. I knew what I was doing was wrong. We had a chance to have a special season and I ignored a fundamental part of my job. I apologize for that, too."


The media would crucify him. You know, like they are now. :(
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What's said has been said....the less said now the better for everyone school, team, fans and coach. There has been plenty of dissection of the E mails. news conference, and Ncaa Allegations..After the results of Aug 12 there will be plenty to talk about..unless there are more leaks..etc.
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MaxBuck;1912912; said:
I don't understand what one would want him to say that he hasn't said already. He's acknowledged doing everything mentioned in the NCAA findings. Do you want him to admit beating his wife, or what?

You also claim he and Cicero aren't close even though he sends an e-mail to Pryor's mentor in regards to Cicero as saying "he has always looked out for us. jt".

I love some JT but maybe you're too "all in".

I'd also like JT to just come out and say he was trying to cover for the players in regards to free tats because he thought the punishemnt wouldn't fit the crime.

5 games for a tattoo is insane and I understand why coach thought it'd be better for his players to take on his own discipline vs. the NCAA and public scrutiny, but I would like to hear that from his own lips....rather than deducing that myself based on the findings....
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Onebuckfan;1912908; said:
What's said has been said....the less said now the better for everyone school, team, fans and coach. There has been plenty of dissection of the E mails. news conference, and Ncaa Allegations..After the results of Aug 12 there will be plenty to talk about..unless there are more leaks..etc.
Procedurally, the institution will file its response to the Notice of Allegations prior to the August 12 hearing, and I assume that will contain the results of the new self investigation and the response to the various questions and document requests contained in the NOA.

As Michigan disclosed its response on its website when it answered its NCAA Notice of Inquiry, I assume that tOSU will provide a copy of its response to the public in advance of the August 12 hearing as well.
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I am not trying to bash Tressel but we are all adults here, let's just be real about it: his "I was just trying to protect the kids" is a half truth at best and another outright lie at worst. He was cheating, he knew he was cheating, and he got caught.

He has not owned up to that.

I honestly think it might be better for him if he just told the truth. I mean, he's probably going to lose his job within a year anyway...
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given the number of emails, texts, and phone calls that Tressel made ON the record, i find it rather hard to believe that he made no compliance office inquiries, even if they were OFF the record. Tressel is taking a hit for the entire athletic department by assuming sole responsibility. it's what kept the "lack of institutional control" hammer of doom away (for now at least.)

no freaking way they fire him. he fell on the sword for them. it may be Sicilian/Machiavellian in nature, but it is what it is. he's protecting them, and they have to protect him in return.
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lvbuckeye;1912979; said:
given the number of emails, texts, and phone calls that Tressel made ON the record, i find it rather hard to believe that he made no compliance office inquiries, even if they were OFF the record. Tressel is taking a hit for the entire athletic department by assuming sole responsibility. it's what kept the "lack of institutional control" hammer of doom away (for now at least.)

no freaking way they fire him. he fell on the sword for them. it may be Sicilian/Machiavellian in nature, but it is what it is. he's protecting them, and they have to protect him in return.

This theory doesn't make sense. The compliance office discovered the Tressel/Cicero emails and reported them. If the compliance office were already covering up their own having know about Tattoogate last Spring, why reveal that email? An email is extremely easy to cover up/delete.

Let me introduce you to Occam's Razor. Tressel didn't report anything to compliance, because OSU compliance always reports everything to the NCAA.

I'm still all in and still want him to be the coach when it's all said and done, and I wish I could believe that he's falling on his sword for the university, but the facts don't support anything of the kind. He really did do this all on his own.
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So apparently everyone is clamoring for Jim Tressel to own up not only to what he did, but why he did it. He's already admitted what he did, so his motivation is the only issue that one could claim is not yet on record.

I'd bet that looking back, Coach Tressel may not himself be entirely clear on exactly what his motivations were in the heat of the moment - I'm sure protecting his kids, salvaging the season, heck - even saving himself embarrassment - are all possibilities. But what really is the point? He did the crime, now he'll do the time. People's demands to know "why" are seldom useful IMO.
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MaxBuck;1913021; said:
So apparently everyone is clamoring for Jim Tressel to own up not only to what he did, but why he did it. He's already admitted what he did, so his motivation is the only issue that one could claim is not yet on record.

I'd bet that looking back, Coach Tressel may not himself be entirely clear on exactly what his motivations were in the heat of the moment - I'm sure protecting his kids, salvaging the season, heck - even saving himself embarrassment - are all possibilities. But what really is the point? He did the crime, now he'll do the time. People's demands to know "why" are seldom useful IMO.

Why do you say that?
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I have to agree with the statement that unless the NCAA tells the university they suggest termination, he won't leave this year. I do forsee him, however, stepping down at the end of this season with something that is mutually beneficial to both him and the school.

I'd be funny, too, if he won the Big 10 Championship and a natty on his way out the door, LOL.
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