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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

Best Buckeye;1540468; said:
Ahh but you already have the coaches that JT wants in there. That's the way JT is. Do you want to change himself? If Jt hires the men he wants for coach and has already done that then where is he to get his new ones?
Coach is his own man, He coaches the way HE wants to coach with the coaches He wants to do coaching beside him.

I fully understand what you are saying and that's what I fear the most. The program is bigger than Jim Tressel. If he won't change when he clearly isn't getting it done as the OC then I fear things are going to get ugly.

All he has to do is set the ego aside, bring in someone good and the program could be at the level everyone wants it to be instead of celebrating not getting blown out in big games.
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All he has to do is set the ego aside, bring in someone good and the program could be at the level everyone wants it to be instead of celebrating not getting blown out in big games.
I'm not sure you've been following other programs making that same assumption...

I'm not happy either, but there have been a LOT of guru failures lately, including high priced hires in the SEC.
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A few thoughts:

IMO, it wasn't so much JT's play calling as it was TP's execution and decision making (along with a great USC defense) that stiffled the Offense last night.

Our Offense had three tries at the 2 yd. line to make a TD but couldn't. I can't fault JT for that. We get a TD, we win the game.

JT is the best thing to happen to tOSU football in over 30 yrs. He has taken us to 3 NC games. That's a NC game every 3 yrs. You know his record in the Big Ten and against scUM. We are fortunate to have JT as our head coach. I'll take him, flaws and all because he brings so much more to the University and tOSU football than most people realize.

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scarletngray;1540485; said:
A few thoughts:

IMO, it wasn't so much JT's play calling as it was TP's execution and decision making (along with a great USC defense) that stiffled the Offense last night.

Our Offense had three tries at the 2 yd. line to make a TD but couldn't. I can't fault JT for that. We get a TD, we win the game.


i can. why would you call two delayed handoffs? sneak it with your 6'6 freak of a qb
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Anyone and their mother knew that after the half every first down play was a run with Boom up the middle for a yard, maybe two. I just didn't think given TP's struggles that 2nd and 9 or 3rd and long was a great situation to constantly be in.
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jwinslow;1540482; said:
I'm not sure you've been following other programs making that same assumption...

I'm not happy either, but there have been a LOT of guru failures lately, including high priced hires in the SEC.

What would an OC guru failure do to us? Produce a bad offense that prevented us from winning big games?
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Jaxbuck;1540515; said:
What would an OC guru failure do to us? Produce a bad offense that prevented us from winning big games?
How does it usually work out when a HC is stripped of his powers, a new coach is forced upon him, and that new coach fails? It can get pretty ugly.

You're not considering all of the potential consequences of these actions.
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ThirdGenBuckeye;1540501; said:
Anyone and their mother knew that after the half every first down play was a run with Boom up the middle for a yard, maybe two. I just didn't think given TP's struggles that 2nd and 9 or 3rd and long was a great situation to constantly be in.

By my count, on 3 of 7 first downs, Pryor passed.
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jwinslow;1540518; said:
How does it usually work out when a HC is stripped of his powers, a new coach is forced upon him, and that new coach fails? It can get pretty ugly.

You're not considering all of the potential consequences of these actions.

No I am considering them. I don't see why it should have to be forced.

If Tressel is that adamant about continuing this horror show of an offense because he's blinded by pride well, like you say, we are all grown men we have to live with the consequences of our actions.

I don't want Jim Tressel to go anywhere. On the other hand I don't want to suffer through another season of his offense. If he'd swallow some pride it could all be avoided. He digs his heels in and continues to put this kind of product forward things will get ugly.

Tress refusing to do anything about the offense at this point is the same as Woody taking that swing imo. It will be a tragic end to a great mans OSU career.
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Jaxbuck;1540527; said:
No I am considering them. I don't see why it should have to be forced.

If Tressel is that adamant about continuing this horror show of an offense because he's blinded by pride well, like you say, we are all grown men we have to live with the consequences of our actions.

I don't want Jim Tressel to go anywhere. On the other hand I don't want to suffer through another season of his offense. If he'd swallow some pride it could all be avoided. He digs his heels in and continues to put this kind of product forward things will get ugly.

Tress refusing to do anything about the offense at this point is the same as Woody taking that swing imo. It will be a tragic end to a great mans OSU career.

I have to think you are speaking from emotion to use such a far stretched comparison. Which doesn't equate on so many fronts. Hitting someone and having a football philosophy that differs from you is the difference of night and day. Woody was let go immediately from this action. I do not see JT going anywhere, anytime, soon. Remember, it was this same philosopy that won us a NC and took us to two others.

IIRC JT is now 8-8 against top 10 teams. That's winning half the games against the best teams in the country. Yeah, I'd like to win even more and see more production on Offense. But what Tress has done and is continuing to build at tOSU is something special. For me, I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

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Jaxbuck;1540527; said:
No I am considering them. I don't see why it should have to be forced.

If Tressel is that adamant about continuing this horror show of an offense because he's blinded by pride well, like you say, we are all grown men we have to live with the consequences of our actions.

I don't want Jim Tressel to go anywhere. On the other hand I don't want to suffer through another season of his offense. If he'd swallow some pride it could all be avoided. He digs his heels in and continues to put this kind of product forward things will get ugly.

Tress refusing to do anything about the offense at this point is the same as Woody taking that swing imo. It will be a tragic end to a great mans OSU career.

I don't know if I blame JT as much as others seem to. I think his play-calling was great when he had Troy at QB! (The NC game with Troy being the exception.) So it's not like he doesn't believe in opening it up. But I think JT knows TPs weaknesses better than any of us and he has to know what the kid can handle. I honestly just think Pryor has a long way to go to be comfortable back there.

Bottom line...JTs offenses roll as his QBs roll. He obviously doesn't have a lot of confidence yet...
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scarletngray;1540485; said:
A few thoughts:

IMO, it wasn't so much JT's play calling as it was TP's execution and decision making (along with a great USC defense) that stiffled the Offense last night.

I think it was equal parts TP's execution, O-Line play and JT's play calls. How many time did we see that guard pulling on the run plays. I am not a big Boom Heron fan, but he did not have any where to run to and no holes to run through. He actual played with heart and determination. He was battling for, as Al Pachino said in Any Given Sunday, "that extra inch".
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