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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

`Winners Manual' feedback boosts Tressel
At the Big Ten meetings a few days ago, Jim Tressel was asked about the reaction to his July 2008 book, `The Winners Manual.' He said he has been gratified by the response:

"I've tried to keep a lot of the letters and emails and stuff that have been sent," he said, "just so that one of those days (that) maybe I'm not feeling so good about what's going on, I can whip out one of those letters and say, `Oh, well, maybe we can keep going.'

"It's been pretty neat."

Tressel is donating all of his proceeds to the OSU library fund. In June, he said the goal was to donate $500,000, and at that point, he was up to about $325,000.

Asked if he had considered a follow-up book, he said, "I have not. . .who knows, maybe someday there may be a second book. But I'm not interested in stopping coaching right now."

`Winners Manual' feedback boosts Tressel (Blogging the Buckeyes)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TecLNmbQl2Y"]YouTube - Jim Tressel's 2009 Big Ten Kickoff Luncheon Speech[/ame]
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Tressel was asked about Joe Paterno entering his 60th year in coaching. The first item of interest was Tressel said he was not interested in trying to reach 60 years:

"Not that I don?t want to get to 40," he said, "and I'm already at 35. I don?t know if I'm sitting out there thinking I've got 25 more good years in me."

He rarely throws anything out there casually. When he mentioned getting to 40 years, that tells me -- as he's hinted before -- that he's thinking of retiring sooner rather than later. His current contract runs through the 2012 season, when he will be 60. That's four more seasons, pretty close to the 40-year tenure he mentioned.

And remember, when his contract was redone last year, it was not extended, it just contained more money and a clause that guarantees him a faculty position upon retirement.

Tressel: Big Ten's bard? (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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Adam Jardy has various quotes from the time in Chicago. He talks about how much tOSU football history that Duron Carter knows, and when asked if he had a Baldwin-Wallace tattoo on his arm, said "I didn't have big enough pipes to fit two letters, I could have put the 'B'".

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On the Road: Some members of the OSU coaching staff made a road trip this summer. They visited North Carolina, North Carolina State and Wake Forest on a whirlwind tour to talk to the coaching staffs at those schools about how they do things. OSU Head Coach Jim Tressel said the trip was fruitful, but the kind of things the OSU coaches picked up are not likely to cause radical changes in the way the Buckeyes play.

"I think when you go visit other people you don't come away with anything new, but you come away with little things, little tweaks about how people do things," said Tressel.

"Off hand I can't think of any earth-shaking, game-changing things.

"There are only so many ways you can line up. I think we line up in most of them. You've got to have five guys with those big numbers, so now you're only moving six guys around."

Fully Vested: Ohio State Head Football Coach Jim Tressel has become famous for, among other things, his game day attire which always includes a sweater vest. Tressel says this season will be no exception.

"I've got a whole new set of sweater vests. I'm ready to rock and roll for this fall," Tressel said.
Sizing them up: Evaluation of potential recruits is one of the most important activities a coaching staff engages in during the off season. OSU Head Coach Jim Tressel says the Buckeyes have their own ways of doing that, but that the recruiting combines are not an important aspect of that process as far as the Buckeyes go.

"We don't get too involved," said Tressel.

"We look at video, we look at grades, we talk to coaches, then hopefully we see them in our own youth camp so you can see them first hand.

"Hopefully you see them in a track meet or a wrestling match or basketball game. High school combines are probably way down the pecking order.

"The combines are not something we pay much attention to," Tressel said.
Power of the Press: OSU Head Coach Jim Tressel became an author last year with the release of his book The Winner's Manual. Tressel says he has been surprised at some of the impact that book has made.

"I've gotten feedback from hundreds of people around the country that have used it in their programs," Tressel said.

"High schools, whether it be boys teams, girls teams, athletic departments, and I've been a little bit surprised.

"I knew in the Buckeye Nation it would be something that would interest those who want to know a little bit more about Ohio State football. I guess I didn't realize that it would have quite the ripple outside."

Tressel says he has kept some of those communications just in case he encounters some "rainy days" in the future.

"I've tried to keep a lot of the letters and emails that have been sent, just so maybe one of those days when I'm not feeling go good about what's going on I can whip out one of the letters and say 'Maybe we can keep going.'"

The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More
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35. Jim Tressel -- Ohio State coach, 2001-present

Hated by: Michigan.

Claim to Infamy: Came to Columbus vowing to retake rivalry with the Wolverines and has since backed it up to an extreme degree. Has won seven out of eight meetings with Michigan. Owned Lloyd Carr. Put a solid down payment on ownership of Rich Rodriguez with 42-7 thumping in first meeting. Also provoked bad feelings from Penn State fans by swiping prize quarterback recruit Terrelle Pryor out of western Pennsylvania. Vest, tie and painfully punctilious nature are natural annoyances.
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Coqui;1520559; said:
Other than Wisconsin in 2003 and 2004. Has Tressel ever lost against an opponnent two years in a row?


EDIT: A little more info: Only two teams have beaten a Tressel coached OSU squad three times: Wisky (01,03,04) and PSU (01,05,08). Two teams have beaten Tressel coached teams twice: Ill (01,07) and Texas (05, 08). Three Big Ten teams have never won against Tressel (IND, MIN, and MSU). No Big Ten team has a winning record against Coach Tressel.
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Rob Oller commentary: Teacher in Tressel opts for learning over luck
Thursday, September 3, 2009
By Rob Oller

Jim Tressel is not 83-19 at Ohio State by accident. He is successful -- his .814 winning percentage is highest among OSU coaches with at least three years of service -- because he leaves nothing to chance.

Chance involves luck, cousin to fate. Tress never goes there, knowing that to embrace destiny is to insert wiggle room into a program built on withdrawing from every opportunity exactly what has been put into it.

And so Tressel goes strictly by the books, plural intended. For spiritual growth, there is his dog-eared Bible. For life lessons, there is his book: The Winners Manual. But for moving the Buckeyes from Point A (preseason) to Point B (Big Ten title and beyond), Tressel annually uses motivational/educational books to complement the coaching staff's teachings.

This summer, the sophomores read Uncommon, by Tony Dungy, and the juniors read My Dream Map, by leadership expert John Maxwell. The seniors? Tress, ever the strategist, had his oldest players read Lone Survivor, the story of Marcus Luttrell, a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan whose decision to release three suspicious Afghan locals probably led to the later deaths of Luttrell's three comrades. Injured, Luttrell was nursed to health by another group of locals, thus showing both ends of murder and mercy.

With no intention to offend, compare that book with the discussions that have taken place in the buildup to the season opener Saturday against Navy.

What is proper protocol? Should fans support the Midshipmen by not booing them? Should Ohio State keep it a close game? Would it be the worst thing in the world if Navy pulled the upset, knowing its players might soon be heading into combat?

Realizing his players would be subject to such questions, Tressel decided months ago to have his seniors read Lone Survivor, not only because it preaches teamwork and sacrifice, but also because it would force the Buckeyes to examine their emotions. By doing so during the summer, they would not need to wrestle with how to react to Navy patriotism issues this week.

A smart guy, that Tress.

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Rob Oller commentary: Teacher in Tressel opts for learning over luck
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TheIronColonel;1535901; said:

A scan of an article written by JT in 2002 discussing his offensive philosophy (and his philosophy of offense): the inside running game. Definitely worth a read.

I'm not sure this really belongs here, but it is from the great article that TheIronColonel posted (greenies):


Even though Coach Tressel was talking about play-action here, the same principle applies to the roll out with Pryor. Depending on the play, a wide out or a tight-end/H-back is used to "strike the area where the extra run-support players come from". Either way, it puts pressure on the defense to commit first, giving the QB a chance to exploit their choice at will. The play-action pass on the other hand, only exploits a defense that commits to the run; and a run from the same look exploits them only if they play pass. TP can exploit them either way.

And if they commit enough defenders to stopping both, there will be 1-on-1 coverage on the back side wide out running the post.
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Coach Tressel began his OSU career going 8-2 versus Top 10 teams. He's gone 0-5 since then. He doesn't talk about it, but you know he knows it. No one wants to win tonight more than JT. I'm pulling for him as much as I am the team, because I just like the guy...even when I'm griping about a play call. :wink2:

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