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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

There is a paper in each player's locker that has their number on it and then a list of all the players who have worn that number at Ohio State.

The bottom reads:

What will you do to carry on this legacy?

If that doesn't make you want to leave it all on the field nothing will.
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DaddyBigBucks;1537089; said:
I'm not sure this really belongs here, but it is from the great article that TheIronColonel posted (greenies):


Even though Coach Tressel was talking about play-action here, the same principle applies to the roll out with Pryor. Depending on the play, a wide out or a tight-end/H-back is used to "strike the area where the extra run-support players come from". Either way, it puts pressure on the defense to commit first, giving the QB a chance to exploit their choice at will. The play-action pass on the other hand, only exploits a defense that commits to the run; and a run from the same look exploits them only if they play pass. TP can exploit them either way.

And if they commit enough defenders to stopping both, there will be 1-on-1 coverage on the back side wide out running the post.

seems to me we need to get better at our base run.
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I think JT has reached the fork in the road of his OSU coaching career. He either recognizes his own inefficiencies as the man in charge of the offense or it will bring him down. He can't continue to act like nothings wrong and do the same things over and over, expecting a different result.

There is no better fit for the role of CEO of OSU football than Jim Tressel. He is the man I want in charge until he's ready to hang it up. That said I have zero doubt that he is the wrong man for the role of offensive coordinator of OSU football.

Woody Hayes was fired, Earl Bruce was fired, John Cooper was fired. Don't let it happen to you Tress. Maximize your strengths (CEO) and minimize your weakness (OC). Don't be seen as man too stubborn to admit his weakness and willing to hurt the program to satisfy his own ego.
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Jaxbuck;1540358; said:
I think JT has reached the fork in the road of his OSU coaching career. He either recognizes his own inefficiencies as the man in charge of the offense or it will bring him down. He can't continue to act like nothings wrong and do the same things over and over, expecting a different result.

There is no better fit for the role of CEO of OSU football than Jim Tressel. He is the man I want in charge until he's ready to hang it up. That said I have zero doubt that he is the wrong man for the role of offensive coordinator of OSU football.

Woody Hayes was fired, Earl Bruce was fired, John Cooper was fired. Don't let it happen to you Tress. Maximize your strengths (CEO) and minimize your weakness (OC). Don't be seen as man too stubborn to admit his weakness and willing to hurt the program to satisfy his own ego.


We have just seen this same story that we saw last night too many times with the offense. Opportunity after opportunity with no success. This team has tremendous talent and weapons on the O side of the ball.
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Whether he wants to admit it or not the pressure of these games seems to be getting to Tress.

He's playing not to lose rather than playing to win. He was particularly animated on the side line last night after one play yelling "that's bullshit" a few times to the official. It's great to see that fire, but it doesn't translate to performance on the field.

He must see the inadequacies in the offensive performance. USC routinely lined up for 4th and shorts and they were automatic. QB sneak. Run right off your centers push.

Ohio State hands the ball off deep on 4th and short. Why? You have a 6'6" 240 pound QB running the football. Why move it back 4 yards to pick up 1? And every person in the stadium knows where the ball is going in those situations.

Now I think the play calling last night (with some exceptions) was fine and was good enough to win the game. I think that Pryor's lack of execution was the problem with the offense last night.

I don't know. Perhaps a fresh offensive perspective would help, but Tress said himself last season that his ego wouldn't allow him to not call the plays.
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ysubuck;1540366; said:
I don't know. Perhaps a fresh offensive perspective would help, but Tress said himself last season that his ego wouldn't allow him to not call the plays.

Thats my sense of it. People who don't want to believe anything is wrong will say I'm just pissed over last night. Couldn't be further from the truth. I'm saying this because it saddens me deeply.

Its like sitting there watching Woody's temper be his undoing. I fear Tressel's stuborness in this regard will be his.
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Duane Long sums it up pretty well imo. Bold is mine.

I wanted to post last night but I was worn out. I needed to sleep. I needed to think. So close again. I am so proud of this football team. They played their hearts out. The USC offensive line, the one with four NFL draft choices on it, the offense that Lee Corso said could score on an NFL team, scored 11 points. No, I don't count the first 7. When you get the ball on the 2 yard line that is not scoring. They did not have to work for it so I'm not giving it to them. The defensive line needs Buckeyes plastered all over their helmets for never getting pushed off the line of scrimmage all night. Rolle and Homan played great games. We lost another football game because the offense scored 13 points. 13 points at home.
When do the powers that be get tired of watching this happen? I think last night may have been it. For the first time the support for Jim Tressel has reached a point that his job can be threatened. I don't think most fans want to see Jim Tressel go. I know I don't. But I think I speak for a large percentage of Buckeye Nation when I say I am finally to the point that if he will not agree to bring in an offensive coordinator that can bring us into the modern age of football on offense, that he can leave. That thought troubles me, but there it is. This is not a pro franchise. This is college. We still want men who are looking to mold young men and be role models in our coaches. JT is a leader, and plain and simple, a good man. He is the kind of man that is good for a community. He is a great recruiter. He has been great as the head coach in a defensive sense in the fact that he stays out of it. Best case scenario is he agrees to bring in a young dynamic offensive coordinator and stays as head coach. I believe that has been broached with JT in the last couple of years. Now the powers that be have the ammunition and the support of Buckeye Nation to go to him and say this time it is not a suggestion. We are changing offensive coordinators here at Ohio State. Whether we are changing head coaches is entirely up to you.
That is the good news that comes out of last nights loss. Another piece of evidence that Jim Tressels way is not working. I think we are looking at the dawn of change. I believe we will see something different. This is a program that expects to win championships. We will not accept anything less. I like the idea of Jim Tressel with an offensive coordinator who can take the talent JT has assembled and turn it into the potent force it could be. No, I love the idea. To me getting rid of JT is throwing out the baby with the bath water. I don't like it. Another season with this offense is something I like even less.
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Jaxbuck;1540358; said:
I think JT has reached the fork in the road of his OSU coaching career. He either recognizes his own inefficiencies as the man in charge of the offense or it will bring him down. He can't continue to act like nothings wrong and do the same things over and over, expecting a different result.

There is no better fit for the role of CEO of OSU football than Jim Tressel. He is the man I want in charge until he's ready to hang it up. That said I have zero doubt that he is the wrong man for the role of offensive coordinator of OSU football.

Woody Hayes was fired, Earl Bruce was fired, John Cooper was fired. Don't let it happen to you Tress. Maximize your strengths (CEO) and minimize your weakness (OC). Don't be seen as man too stubborn to admit his weakness and willing to hurt the program to satisfy his own ego.

Well put:osu:
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scarletngray;1540457; said:
Be careful what you wish for....


I wish for a competent offense with Jim Tressel as head coach. I don't see any potential downside to that.

The potential downside I see is if Tressel digs his heels in and refuses to change anything at all regarding the offense.
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Jaxbuck;1540463; said:
I wish for a competent offense with Jim Tressel as head coach. I don't see any potential downside to that.

The potential downside I see is if Tressel digs his heels in and refuses to change anything at all regarding the offense.
Ahh but you already have the coaches that JT wants in there. That's the way JT is. Do you want to change himself? If Jt hires the men he wants for coach and has already done that then where is he to get his new ones?
Coach is his own man, He coaches the way HE wants to coach with the coaches He wants to do coaching beside him.
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