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Jim Tressel (National Champion, ex-President, Youngstown State University, CFB HOF)

ThirdGenBuckeye;1540578; said:
That's not even the point. The point was to find plays that make 2nd and 3rd and manageable, whether it's passing or running. Shoving Herron up the middle obviously wasn't the answer.

Obviously, you missed the point. By throwing 3 out of 7 times on first down Tress was trying to do that very thing.

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osucollegebuck;1540579; said:
People who call into these talk shows who even hint at getting rid of Tress should be stripped of all their Buckeyes gear.

While I agree that people should appreciate what Tress has done for the program, to imply that he's somehow uncriticizeable (is that a word?) is unrealistic.

There were several playcalls last night that were questionable, and any other coach in america would be questioned for them. Why should Tress be any different?

I'm not saying he needs to go, or stay, or even touching that debate. I think it's fair for us to hold him accountable for the decisions he makes on the field, and particularly playcalling tendencies that seem to have cost us games. For example, why no pryor rollout on the field goal drive in the first half? so what if they have someone covering it. they had 9 covering the off tackle dive! The same play cost us against NAVY, when we ran it two times in a row, as we did last night. My grandmother could do that scouting report. Just sayin...

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Dissapointing loss, but we ride with the scarlet and grey for life, win lose or apocalypse.

Life goes on,

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scarletngray;1540580; said:
Obviously, you missed the point. By throwing 3 out of 7 times on first down Tress was trying to do that very thing.


Right, because those 2 yard dumps to Posey and Sanz were way better options. I was hoping to see more of something like the misdirection with Thomas and similar plays but we didn't even see that play until the end.
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Not on Tressel here. People can get pissy all they want, but this team is built to run first. The fact that USC was stuffing the box with 8 and 9 defenders means the passing game should have been there - and the guys on the field didn't get the job done. I've been critical of play calling in the past, but I don't think you can do that here. The on-field performance wasn't up to snuff - if pryor complete his usual 66% of his passes (instead of <50%), this game looks like a route. USC was in big, soft, cushy zones with a single deep safety all night. The passing game simply didn't show up (not to dump on Pryor, either, but you can't lay this on JT).
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TheIronColonel;1540695; said:
Not on Tressel here. People can get pissy all they want, but this team is built to run first. The fact that USC was stuffing the box with 8 and 9 defenders means the passing game should have been there - and the guys on the field didn't get the job done. I've been critical of play calling in the past, but I don't think you can do that here. The on-field performance wasn't up to snuff - if pryor complete his usual 66% of his passes (instead of <50%), this game looks like a route. USC was in big, soft, cushy zones with a single deep safety all night. The passing game simply didn't show up (not to dump on Pryor, either, but you can't lay this on JT).

100% agreed. You can always pick on a play call here or there, but the execution has to be there and it wasn't in this game. I haven't read any quotes from TP on the game, but I'm sure he is shouldering a lot of the responsibility. Tress has showed much of an open playbook for TP as a soph than for Troy as a junior. I'm amazed how many references I've seen to "Tresselball" simply because the score was low. If he was playing "Tresselball," they would have milked the clock at the end of the 1st half and wouldn't have been throwing on 1st down with a lead in the 4th quarter. They make a play here or there, gain an extra half yard, don't get a penalty, etc., and this is a totally different game. I don't think you can pin this loss on anything in particular but probably some mix of poor execution, youth, and play calling (in that order).
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ThirdGenBuckeye;1540672; said:
Right, because those 2 yard dumps to Posey and Sanz were way better options. I was hoping to see more of something like the misdirection with Thomas and similar plays but we didn't even see that play until the end.

Barkley had a two yard dump off to McKnight and it went for a two point conversion. So what's your point? My point is that USC excuted. OSU didn't.

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buckeye78;1540634; said:
There were several playcalls last night that were questionable, and any other coach in america would be questioned for them. Why should Tress be any different?

Damn straight. He's 20x's better than Cooper and I appreciate the overall record and 7-1 vs. that team up North. But he's been outcoached against USC, Texas, Florida etc. He goes conservative in attacking situations and aggressive in conservative situations lately. That red zone playcalling cost the Buckeyes a win.
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BuckeyeNation36;1540845; said:
Damn straight. He's 20x's better than Cooper and I appreciate the overall record and 7-1 vs. that team up North. But he's been outcoached against USC, Texas, Florida etc. He goes conservative in attacking situations and aggressive in conservative situations lately. That red zone playcalling cost the Buckeyes a win.

When was Tressel outcoached by Mack Brown?
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scarletngray;1540817; said:
Barkley had a two yard dump off to McKnight and it went for a two point conversion. So what's your point? My point is that USC excuted. OSU didn't.


A voice of reason... thank GOD! JT did not call a perfect game, but no coach ever has. We lost because we did not execute.

However, I will say this: My biggest complaint has been a lack of killer instinct. In the big games we just don't put teams away. I don't know why but time and time again we give teams a chance to crawl back in and like last night, Texas last year and in 2005, and Illinois a few years back sometimes it bites us in the ass. Maybe it is playcalling, maye it is execution, hell maybe it is both.
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The question really has to be asked though.

Since 1999 The Ohio State University has had more players drafted into the NFL than any other university.

Fact: The talent is most assuredly there.

Question: Are the recent accomplishments of the Ohio State Buckeyes commensurate with their abilities as players?

If not, who is responsible? Players? Schemes? Personnel decisions?

The personnel has changes, although only slightly. The players change every season. The only consistent factor is the scheme.

Who decides on the scheme? (rhetorical question)

All this realizing that no matter the scheme the execution has to be there for it to work.
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Bestbuck36;1540861; said:
The question really has to be asked though.

Since 1999 The Ohio State University has had more players drafted into the NFL than any other university.

Fact: The talent is most assuredly there.

Question: Are the recent accomplishments of the Ohio State Buckeyes commensurate with their abilities as players?

If not, who is responsible? Players? Schemes? Personnel decisions?

The personnel has changes, although only slightly. The players change every season. The only consistent factor is the scheme.

Who decides on the scheme? (rhetorical question)
I don't think there are too many people that are banging the drum that no change is needed. However, there is plenty of ignorant rhetoric being thrown around. I am as envious and demanding for better offensive performance as the next guy, but I feel like last nights game was a matter of execution in between the lines, not the coaches.

Having said that, I often wonder why it is that our offense almost always under-performs the talent that I perceive it to have and I want to question the scheme. But then I go back and look at the games where the fire is flamed, like last nights, and can find reasons why the coaches aren't to blame for missed throws, blocks, routes, reads, etc. I guess that is my nice way of saying; I want more points and a sexier offense, but don't know what the answer is, but I know its not 100% coach philosophy.
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matt_thatsme;1540853; said:
We lost because we did not execute.

I am so sick of hearing that.
"Did not execute" has been the excuse for the poor offensive performance for years now.
When does top level talent consistently "not executing" become the product of the system????
I am not going to pretend to be an expert on coaching or offensive schemes or any of that stuff, but I do know what the coaching staff is trying to do is not working.
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fanaticbuckeye;1540871; said:
But then I go back and look at the games where the fire is flamed, like last nights, and can find reasons why the coaches aren't to blame for missed throws, blocks, routes, reads, etc. I guess that is my nice way of saying; I want more points and a sexier offense, but don't know what the answer is, but I know its not 100% coach philosophy.

Maybe not 100%, but less talented teams find ways to put their players in positions to make plays, and I dont see that same thing happening for tOSU.
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