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JabriLLL "Ghost" Peppers (New England Patriots)

So, did that tipped, gift of an interception give him his Heisman moment? Because I sure don't remember him doing [Mark May] else other than getting run past by JT again and watching Samuel trot into the end zone.

Don't forget he also got to run his mouth on the sidelines at the fans in AA deck for a bit in the 1st half. Total Heisman material there.
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He did block the [Mark May] out of Weber on that last play.

Oh wait he was on defense that play, hard to keep up he plays so many positions.

In his defense though, any fucking moron dumb enough to run up to a fully padded, helmeted D1 player and run his mouth after the toughest loss of your career probably deserves to get the [Mark May] knocked out of him.
I don't think that's what happened. It looked like the fan got caught between Peppers and Coombs, and Peppers decided to be the piece of shit that he is.
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I don't think that's what happened. It looked like the fan got caught between Peppers and Coombs, and Peppers decided to be the piece of [Mark May] that he is.
You can see he ran into the OSU fan's back (look at the hat) (and good vision, BTW, walking into random people). The OSU fan turned to see who bumped him and got shoved again.
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