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JabriLLL "Ghost" Peppers (New England Patriots)

I'm sad.. I hope we didn't ruin his chances for a Heisman... after all, after telling the world he was bringing immense physicality that we had not seen before, he took it easy on us.. so we owe him

No, no. He brought a lot of physicality to Columbus. His timing was just off a tad. Well, timing and target.

BTW, the fan's back was turned. No way he intentionally bumped gerbil.
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I don't blame peppers for that. Fans on the field is a bad deal and should mind the fuck out.

I'm not going to give Peppers a complete pass, but think about Buckeyes leaving the field in Ann Arbor were they to lose, and having to make their way through a crowd of drunk Wolverine fans. I could understand their being a bit concerned about their safety, and a bit touchy as a result.

"leaving the field in Ann Arbor were they to lose ..." Yeah, I know, it takes a lot of suspension of disbelief for this one, but at least try to imagine it.
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I'm not going to give Peppers a complete pass, but think about Buckeyes leaving the field in Ann Arbor were they to lose, and having to make their way through a crowd of drunk Wolverine fans. I could understand their being a bit concerned about their safety, and a bit touchy as a result.

"leaving the field in Ann Arbor were they to lose ..." Yeah, I know, it takes a lot of suspension of disbelief for this one, but at least try to imagine it.
I was a photographer for the Lantern on one of the team buses leaving Ann Arbor in 71. Michigan fans were pounding on the bus, throwing trash, and rocking the bus. Most of the shouts were aimed at Woody. It was not a pretty scene.
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JT outmaneuvers Peppers:

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