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JabriLLL "Ghost" Peppers (New England Patriots)

It's hard to escape one's pedigree.
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Sounds like the next desmond howard
That's actually not a bad comparison as far as likely NFL outcomes. Desmond was a clear flop at his primary position from Day 1, and by year four was on a different team exclusively as a return specialist. To his credit, he carved out a decent second half of his career in that niche.

The difference is, Desmond was actually very good at his primary position in college...he was just too much of a pixie for the NFL. Gerbil is adequate at best at his primary position. The hype just comes from the window dressing of playing multiple other positions...adequately. Give me the choice of him or Malik Hooker in college or the pros, I take Hooker without hesitation.
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That's actually not a bad comparison as far as likely NFL outcomes. Desmond was a clear flop at his primary position from Day 1, and by year four was on a different team exclusively as a return specialist. To his credit, he carved out a decent second half of his career in that niche.

The difference is, Desmond was actually very good at his primary position in college...he was just to much of a pixie for the NFL. Gerbil is adequate at best at his primary position. The hype just comes from the window dressing of playing multiple other positions...adequately.

Not sure i'd call his offensive play "adequate"

as of now his offensive career - 45 rushes for 239 yards and 10 catches for 82 yards

break that down to against the "best" defenses, which we will say Ohio State, Sparty, Penn State and Wisconsin

21 rushes for 76 yards (3.6 YPC) and 5 catches for 58 yards (11.6 YPC) - So 26 total plays for 134 total yards (5.15 yards per play)

You'd think someone who they bring in to be some sort of flash in the pan explosive would be able to put up better numbers.

Charles Woodson didnt get as many touches, but he was definitely more productive with them. 21 catches for 370 yards (17.6 YPC) and 9 rushes for 167 yards (18.6 YPC)

Of course there is the great chance that old Lloyd actually knew when and how to use Charles on offense properly, the same likely cant be said for Hairball.
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The Charles Woodson comparisons crack me the hell up speaking of

Gerbill is so bad at coverage he's relegated to playing LBer or Saftey and sticking with TEs and RBs the great majority of the time, it's not often he's left 1 on 1 with a WR.

Woodson had 16 INTs in his college career.....SIXTEEN. Gerbill needed a high throw gift basketed ball to get his first, 27 games into his college career.
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If this guy is the Nation's most versatile player, why didn't he play at Punter after the Michigan State game last year. Punting the ball would be a guaranteed Heisman for someone who wasn't good enough to play the position he was ranked #1 at coming out of HS.
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The Charles Woodson comparisons crack me the hell up speaking of

Gerbill is so bad at coverage he's relegated to playing LBer or Saftey and sticking with TEs and RBs the great majority of the time, it's not often he's left 1 on 1 with a WR.

Woodson had 16 INTs in his college career.....SIXTEEN. Gerbill needed a high throw gift basketed ball to get his first, 27 games into his college career.
While I agree, saying he "sticks" with TEs and RBs is a bit generous. :wink:
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