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JabriLLL "Ghost" Peppers (New England Patriots)


College football | Jabrill Peppers' freakish ability gives Michigan formidable weapon

Jabrill Peppers was not your basic store-brand athlete.

“Last spring ball, when coach (Jim) Harbaugh first got here, we were already beat up about three hours into our four-hour practice,” Butt recalled. “It was a full padded practice and Jabrill had just returned a punt like 40 yards and was jogging back to return another one when he did a cartwheel, back handspring, backflip 360 in full pads. I was, ‘I can’t believe he just did that.’ ”

Harbaugh explained: “He’s explosive. As an athlete, you see it, you feel it, you understand it.” And Harbaugh was just warming up. “Whether he’s making a tackle, whether he’s got the football in his hand, whether he’s closing ground, whether he’s covering — when he runs by you you feel it. You feel the wind. You feel the air moving. You feel the force into the ground. It’s dartlike. It’s explosive.”

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Peppers is indeed a freakish athlete. Now, someone wake me when all that freakish athleticism makes a measurable difference on the field.
That's what makes it freakish - you can't see it, it's almost like it doesn't really happen. Kinda like you go to bed on December 24th and there's nothing under the tree. You wake up on the 25th - and boom! - there's a new bike, a sled, a sixty-inch flat screen, a Mercedes in the driveway, and you look at your chimney and you do the math and you go, "How does someone well over 200 pounds get down that chimney with all that shit?"
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Just had JP interview Desmond.

My favorite fantasy moment for the game today: That it's a bonehead fumble/cough up in the end zone/drop at the goal line play by the VD poster boy that swings the momentum of the game to tOSU, so he can be the goat forever. Then ESPiN can add that to his list of "accomplishments."
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Jabrill Peppers said Curtis Samuel "hasn't been hit a lot."

Michigan's versatile athlete - he's literally played 15 positions (!) this season - gushed about Samuel's ability but discounted it a little earlier in the week:



Entire article: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-...view-of-curtis-samuels-game-winning-touchdown
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