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JabriLLL "Ghost" Peppers (New England Patriots)

Heisman watch update:

This cocksucker ran the ball twice and gained a measly 2 yards. He now has 163 yards on 23 carries with 3 TDs (Two of which came again Rutgers, mind you)
He once again played in a game where he failed to catch a football and therefore remains stuck at 2 Receptions for 3 yards. With one game remaining in his college career (likely) he still has zero career interceptions.
Gerbil had one KO return for 18 yards giving him 9 for 216 this season
He also had 4 punt returns for 29 yards, giving him 20 returns for 305 yards on the season.
Finally, he made 5 tackles, two of which were behind the LOS, giving him a career high 59 stops on the season, 13 TFL and 3 sacks. He has 5.5 TFL and one sack in B1G play to go along with 34 total tackles in those 8 games.

He did continue to look like a smug asshole on any graphic where his image was used. So, there's that.

But he plays more than 1 position other than missionary!
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Gotcha, so Mel and Todd are just guessing out of the blue who the top picks are(and are usually correct)... Gotcha :roll2:

Peppers is having a good season for Michigan with 59 tackles, 14 for a loss, four sacks, zero interceptions, zero pass breakups and one forced fumble. He has been electric on special teams and especially been phenomenal on punt returns, taking one for a touchdown. The 6-foot-1, 205-pounder was excellent as a sophomore in 2015, recording 45 tackles with 10 passes broken up and zero interceptions.

Sources say they see Peppers as a hybrid safety/linebacker in the NFL. He has the athletic skill set to play pass coverage, but often can be caught flat-footed. His ball skills aren't special either, as he has zero interceptions in his collegiate career. Thus, some sources think Peppers would fit best as a safety in the middle of the field. That would allow him to make plays off his instincts, and he could be a weapon in pass coverage on tight ends, blitzing quarterbacks, playing zone, and defending the run. There is no doubt that Peppers has a ton of athletic upside. He could play safety and dime linebacker, similar to Deone Bucannon. Peppers should also be used on special teams as he is a dangerous weapon there.


Best comparison Bucannon was drafted #27 in the first round in 2014. But that dude had 15 interceptions at Wash St. Please invite him to the green room for laughs.
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I predict Peppers draft rating will be stronger than expected not because of his performance but pure athletic skills measured at combine and potential for development.
Re. What draft experts hear from teams is not reliable...
NFL teams usually don't reveal to the subsciption driven profit makers their draft intentions or pro scout intel,
"Tips" to draft sites have been used to conceal intentions or deceive other teams.
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I predict Peppers draft rating will be stronger than expected not because of his performance but pure athletic skills measured at combine and potential for development.
Re. What draft experts hear from teams is not reliable...
NFL teams usually don't reveal to the subsciption driven profit makers their draft intentions or pro scout intel,
"Tips" to draft sites have been used to conceal intentions or deceive other teams.
Now I'm sure the Browns will draft him. :sad2:
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The echo chamber is alive and well. Guess who got put on the finalist lists for a bunch of awards he has no business even being mentioned in?

I say we start a petition to get him on the lists of the ones he was left off. JARBLES FOR DAVEY OBRIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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