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JabriLLL "Ghost" Peppers (New England Patriots)

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Read something saying he plays on 25-30% of snaps. They said that like a good thing. A lot of our starters on defense play a higher percentage of snaps and they only play on one side of the ball. He's not playing more snaps than he would playing only one position, he's just not playing as much at safety as he should. I have a feeling that his development as a safety has been severely hampered by making him spend time in the rb room and the Wr room and the qb room and the lb room. He could still be a first round pick based on potential, but won't be a game changer and might not even start until year 2. If they just let him play safety he'd probably be a game changer, he has had almost zero progress since his freshman year in coverage skills.
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Jabrill Peppers..."Ohio State...nothing we can't handle."

I also have always liked flying. So, I understand that this man wants to go airborne.

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Considering the tackling problems they had against us last year. Probably would be wise to not run mouth about hitting anyone. Especially Curtis, whos liable to embarass defenders.
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