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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

I'm sure the runs will be crossing the plate with this activation:biggrin:
Cleveland Indians activate outfielder David Dellucci
by Plain Dealer staff
Friday May 01, 2009, 2:49 PM

CLEVELAND -- The Indians today activated outfielder David Dellucci from his rehab assignment with the Columbus Clippers. To make room for Dellucci, pitcher Rich Rundles was optioned back to Columbus.

Dellucci has been on the disabled list all season. He suffered a strained left calf during spring training.

Rundles was called up on Wednesday to help fill a short bullpen against the Boston Red Sox. The Indians now are back to a 13-man pitching staff.
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Give this guy a shot. I don't care how old he is he has got to be an improvement over someone.


Cleveland Indians' prospect Hector Rondon thriving for the Class AA Akron Aeros
by Dennis Manoloff/Plain Dealer Reporter
Thursday April 30, 2009, 8:42 PM
The shame of the Hector Rondon story is that Henri Centeno will not be here to see how it ends.

Centeno was the Indians' Venezuelan scouting supervisor when he died in a car accident in January at 39.

Rondon, a right-handed pitcher and one of Cleveland's top prospects, is from Guatire, Venezuela. Centeno was a second father to him. Nobody in the organization played a bigger role in getting Rondon from Venezuela in 2004 to Akron in 2009.

"I miss Henri a lot," Rondon said through interpreter Ruben Niebla, pitching coach of the Class AA Aeros. "I think about him often. It's been very difficult knowing he's not around."

Centeno offered endless hours of advice, encouragement and instruction. Several seconds worth serve as daily motivation for Rondon.

"He always told me: 'Don't treat this as a joke,' " Rondon said. "He told me: 'You have a gift. Get the most out of it.' "

By competing in the Eastern League at age 21, Rondon is doing right by Centeno. And Rondon is not just competing; he is thriving.

Rondon is 4-0 with a 1.17 ERA in four starts. He has given up 19 hits in 23 innings, walked four and struck out 22. His most recent start, Tuesday against Harrisburg, featured nine strikeouts in 6 2/3 innings.

"If this kid stays healthy and puts in the time, he has a chance to be a good one," said a scout at Canal Park in early April. "He still has a ways to go in his development, but the natural ability is there."

The live arm was on display virtually from the moment Rondon stepped onto a ball field, although at a different position. Rondon played third base as an elementary-age youngster until his teammates and coaches convinced him to try pitching. The ball seemed to jump out of his hand, with minimal effort, and zip across the diamond.

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We should set up a year long, who will blow it tonight from the bullpen and keep stats for all of us updated weekly or something because I have a feeling it's going to continue through the rest of the year
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woo hoo!

Ohio.com - Tribe calls up LaPorta, others

DETROIT: You want moves? Eric Wedge will give you moves.

After Friday night's 6-5 win over the Tigers, the Indians' skipper announced three roster moves involving six players.

Arriving today from Columbus will be the club's No. 1 prospect, left-fielder Matt LaPorta, plus infielders Luis Valbuena and Josh Barfield.

To make room for them, right-hander Joe Smith will go on the disabled list (retroactive to Wednesday) with a sore right rotator cuff; outfielder Trevor Crowe was optioned to Columbus and veteran utility infielder Tony Graffanino was designated for assignment, which means the Tribe has 10 days to trade him or get him through waivers, so he can be sent to Triple-A.

''We want Trevor to play every day,'' Wedge said. ''And Joe has had some soreness in his shoulder. We don't think he'll have to spend too long on the DL. He's a guy who definitely can help us.''
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Pavano pitched a gem last night.

The fucking bullpen is atrocious.

I fell asleep and it was 6-0?!!!!!!!!!!??????

I like the way Lee, Carmona and Pavano are starting to pitch. I love Tony Sipp and Wood has been alright (what's my frame of reference? Fucking Joe Borowski?)

The middle relief on this team needs a HUGE shake up.
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