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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

Well, Lee has already surpassed his loss total for last year. This team fucking sucks ass. Like has been said before, I'm sure once they're out of the race and the pressure is off, they'll turn it on and finish around .500 leaving everyone in the organization to say what a great job Wedge did turning it around and saving his job. :smash:
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Well, Lee has already surpassed his loss total for last year. This team fucking sucks ass. Like has been said before, I'm sure once they're out of the race and the pressure is off, they'll turn it on and finish around .500 leaving everyone in the organization to say what a great job Wedge did turning it around and saving his job. :smash:
Rinse and repeat.

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NFBuck;1461421; said:
Facing Brian Tallett who comes in with an ERA north of 6.00, so look for something like 2 runs on 6 hits tonight.

I'll take Betancourt again in the lead blowing poll...

hitless through 3, its just mind boggling how much this team struggles with marginal pitchers
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