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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

buckeyemania11;1461425; said:
hitless through 3, its just mind boggling how much this team struggles with marginal pitchers

Mind boggling, but not surprising. Been happening for extended stretches for over four years now.

Carmona is a below average pitcher now. I'm starting to think 2007 was an aberration.
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These guys are just plum awful. Getting no-hit through 5 against a career journeyman. Fucking deja vu from last year (minus the stellar starting pitching). :slappy:

I was gonna go catch a game or two while home visiting in June/July, but if they're playing like this, I'll save my money by going to some Mahoning Valley Scrappers games on dollar draft night. I'll probably see higher quality baseball and save about seven bucks a beer.
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