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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

These guys are shitty.
for future reference I took this screenshot


and if they ever actually win a couple...

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Wedge says that the clubhouse is lacking for leadership. I don't know what type of leaders he is looking for but hopefully they can get the damn ball. Maybe they should have thought of bringing in some leaders during the off-season. Well, at least we do try to get Jason Bay before he went to the Red Sox:frown2:
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LitlBuck;1458183; said:
Wedge says that the clubhouse is lacking for leadership. I don't know what type of leaders he is looking for but hopefully they can get the damn ball. Maybe they should have thought of bringing in some leaders during the off-season. Well, at least we do try to get Jason Bay before he went to the Red Sox:frown2:

So Wedge finally admits he sucks as a leader :biggrin:
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Anyone watching this marathon of a game? It started at 7:00 and is only in the bottom of the 7th right now. DeRosa just made the score 8-8 with a HR to left. Boston has made 2 costly errors on potential double plays in this game, one of which led to a 3-run HR by Francisco.
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