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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

To be fair to Jensen he did come in the inning before that, I believe, with bases loaded one out and only gave up one run. Really it was Betancourt who put all the runners on and put the tribe in this situation where a homer could cost the game. .1 IP 3 hits, 2ER, plus DeRosa's error which lead to two runs.
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and this

The Associated Press: Indians' Hafner on DL with sore shoulder

Indians' Hafner on DL with sore shoulder
3 hours ago

CLEVELAND (AP) — Indians designated hitter Travis Hafner was placed on the disabled list Wednesday with a sore right shoulder, an injury that limited him to 57 games last season.

Hafner, who had surgery on the shoulder last October, is batting .270 with four homers and eight RBIs in 17 games.
"He's been having some soreness and a little fatigue," manager Eric Wedge said. "We've noticed it in his swing the last three or four days. We don't think it's anything serious."
Left-hander Rich Rundles was called up from Columbus to take Hafner's roster spot, giving the Indians a 14-man pitching staff. Rundles will likely be sent back down before the Indians open a three-game series in Detroit on Friday. Cleveland used five relief pitchers in Tuesday's 9-8 win over Boston, leaving the bullpen short-handed.

Rundles is 0-1 with a 1.50 ERA in seven appearances in Columbus.

I guess Hafner getting hurt shouldnt be shocking, but he was swinging the bat pretty decently
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buckeyemania11;1459305; said:

Par for the course.

These guys are shitty.

Time for a little Randy Newman for your ass...

There's a red moon rising
On the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake

There's a red moon rising
ON the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake

There's an oil barge winding
Down the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake

There's an oil barge winding
Down the Cuyahoga River
Rolling into Cleveland to the lake

Cleveland city of light city of magic
Cleveland city of light you're calling me
Cleveland, even now I can remember
'Cause the Cuyahoga River
Goes smokin' through my dreams

Burn on, big river, burn on
Burn on, big river, burn on
Now the Lord can make you tumble
And the Lord can make you turn
And the Lord can make you overflow
But the Lord can't make you burn

Burn on, big river, burn on
Burn on, big river, burn on

The good news is, if they continue to tank, we may finally get rid of Eric Wedge.
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They never live up to expectations (yeah yeah, welcome to Cleveland sports...).

That includes years where they are expected to suck and then they actually do well.

I told my friends coming into the year "well, everyone's picking them to win the Central, which means it won't be a good season."

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OHSportsFan9;1459329; said:
They never live up to expectations (yeah yeah, welcome to Cleveland sports...).

That includes years where they are expected to suck and then they actually do well.

I told my friends coming into the year "well, everyone's picking them to win the Central, which means it won't be a good season."


I don't remember many picking them to win, most predictions I saw had them 2nd or 3rd. Of course, they're failing to even meet those moderate expectations.

This organization stockpiled a good bit of talent in the early-mid 2000's. Pretty pathetic that in the end, it will have netted exactly one playoff appearance. Time for some changes.
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NFBuck;1459318; said:
The good news is, if they continue to tank, we may finally get rid of Eric Wedge.

You know they won't get rid of Wedge. After we continue to lose over the next month we will turn it around to be good enough to keep Wedgies job. But too bad we will be 15+ games back so in the end we will get another tease, but just enough to keep Wedge around for another year :smash:

Shapiro... I don't mind. He is just hamstrung by being in a small market and forcing him to bargain hunt. But we do have talent, and it looks like the trades last summer brought in alot more talent.
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NFBuck;1459480; said:
I don't remember many picking them to win, most predictions I saw had them 2nd or 3rd. Of course, they're failing to even meet those moderate expectations.

Actually everything I saw was 1st or 2nd and alot of people saying it will either be the Twins or Indians winning the AL Central. I just love how as soon as our starting pitching stabilized just a little bit our bullpen blows up.
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The good news is, if they continue to tank, we may finally get rid of Eric Wedge.
Wedgie isn't going anywhere because Shapiro isn't going anywhere because Dolan isn't going to sell the team and that's about what it would take for a shakeup at the top of the organization.

Our bullpen guys are warm weather pitchers slow about July 15 they should be okay.

I mean is anyone else surprised that Hafner went on the DL. I said during the off-season that he was not going to last. It will be interesting to see what happens after the 15 days are up.
Hell, they might as well bring back Manny. He might be good for some grins.
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BuckeyeMac;1459537; said:
Anyone want to try out for the bullpen because I'm about to send them an email. Anyone can pitch beachballs, but with my 75-80mph fastball, I'm a sure thing

I'm thinking about it. I've had reconstructive shoulder surgery so I would have to rely on my wicked 50-60 mph knuckle ball, but that has proven to be pretty effective in shutting down major league teams. Wait, it only shuts down the Indians, who I would have to pitch for, not against--never mind.
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