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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

CastroTurf: Sipp coming up; Jackson optioned

So much for that talk about staying the course with the relieves on hand. Eric Wedge announced after tonight's 8-7 win that Tony Sipp is being promoted from Triple-A Columbus, with Zach Jackson getting optioned out.

Sipp might not slide right into the late-inning setup role, but with Rafael Perez (and everybody else) struggling in setup situations, Sipp will bring some new blood. Jackson was never viewed as a candidate to work late in games. He was the long man, and he posted a 5.79 ERA in two appearances.
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ESPN rumor mill

Indians might unload Lee

Cliff Lee | Indians

The Indians might be willing to trade Cy Young Award winner Cliff Lee, according to CBSSports.com.

The story by Danny Knobler cites multiple officials familiar with the Indians who said they wouldn't be at all surprised to see Lee get traded if the Tribe falls far out of the race, just as CC Sabathia was dealt away when Cleveland fell out of it last year.

"I think they'd love to trade him," one of the officials said.

Why would you trade a guy who went 22-3 and won a Cy Young? "Because you don't think he can do it again," Knobler writes.

The story speculates that Tribe officials aren't sure whether Lee is a legitimate No. 1 starter or middle of the rotation pitcher. Consequently, they aren't sure what kind of contract to offer him in the future.

"They might think this is the time to sell high on him," another baseball official was quoted.

Lee asked to negotiate a contract extension in spring training and was turned down, General Manager Mark Shapiro telling Lee that the uncertain economy had put a hold on those kinds of talks.
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OHSportsFan9;1455052; said:
Lee pitches a gem, but the Indians lose.

Eh, just one of those games, I guess.

I'll take Lee's productive outing and be happy. The wins are bound to start coming...(I hope :()

Yes, the starting pitching has been pretty decent of late. The offense looks like it should be pretty good. Although they always seem to have trouble with soft tossers like Bannister. Hopefully LaPorta continues to rake in AAA and eventually takes Francisco's spot in the lineup. Once that happens the lineup will be solid 1-9. The worrisome area is the bullpen. Sipp had a good debut last night and hopefully will become a dependable LH option. The Raffy's and Lewis have to turn it around for the bullpen to become a strength. Also, I think Joe Smith can be solid but please don't let him pitch to lefties.
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buckeyemania11;1454929; said:
:2004: the offense is getting mowed down by Brian Bannister and his 4.81 career ERA

Any Relation to Alan Bannister?


Jack Brohammer for that matter?

Oh... those were (not) the days.
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You guys up in Cleveland better solve your own pitching problems because I don't think you should be looking down to Columbus anytime soon:(


Jeremy Sowers gave up three runs in the first three innings, then allowed just one hit through the next three but got a no-decision as the Clippers lost, 5-4, to Indianapolis in a Class AAA International League game Thursday in Columbus.

The Clippers' bullpen allowed two runs in the final three innings for the loss
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itownbuckeye;1456070; said:
why is it the Indians struggle so bad with shitty pitchers? first brian bannister now nick blackburn. can't wait until LaPorta comes up to take Francisco's spot.
I don't get it either. It's been a trend for a couple years now. I think Francisco's days are numbered. If LaPorta isn't up at some point in June, I'll be shocked. I'm beginning to wonder if Fausto is ever gonna come around...
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Indians pitcher's career in jeopardy

Views 11260 Comments 2

Right-handed pitcher Adam Miller likely will undergo surgery on his right middle finger Tuesday, Cleveland [URL="http://www.fannation.com/tags/show_tag/37"]Indians[/URL] head trainer Lonnie Soloff said this afternoon. In a best-case scenario, Miller would be sidelined 6-9 months. The surgery puts his career in jeopardy. Miller, once the top prospect in the Indians' organization, had tried to adjust his finger pressure on release to avoid surgery.
Cleveland Plain Dealer
> Comment

No surprise here. Pretty safe to now say we'll never see this kid in Cleveland. Damn shame.
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Wedge getting fiesty, but Cleveland Indians are anything but in listless 7-1 loss to Minnesota
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Saturday April 25, 2009, 11:30 PM

CLEVELAND -- If the Indians are a team in transition, it will be interesting to see where they will be by the end of September.

Will they be the consistent team that saved their season last year with a strong second half? Or will they be the befuddled, disjointed team that they were Saturday night in another listless loss, this time by a score of 7-1, to a Twins team that plays with a lot more want than they do.

If it turns out that they are the latter, the Indians will almost assuredly lose 100 games with a roster that looks far different than it does today.
The Indians are 6-12. They've lost three of their last four. In those three losses they've been shut out once and scored one run twice.

"What bothers me more than anything is we're not making good outs," said manager Eric Wedge, referring to the offense. "Outside of a couple of guys, our approach has been very poor. It's something we pride ourselves on and work hard at it. There's just no excuse.

"Whatever the hell it is, we better figure out it pretty damn quick because I'm not going to sit around and watch what we've been watching.

"We're beyond all this. They aren't kids anymore."

When asked if we was talking about making changes in the roster, Wedge said, "I'm talking about the people here doing better."

I always thought that all outs were not very good:lol:
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