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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

Well the Tribe swung the bats pretty well this spring, but the pitching was atrocious. Crowe hit a 2-R HR today and Choo also added a bomb but we still lost 9-8. Reyes got roughed up, 6 runs in 2 innings.

This year is going to be up to the pitching unfortunately, and IMO we don't have anyone pitching GREAT right now. It could be another long year :(
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BuckeyeMac;1442666; said:
Well the Tribe swung the bats pretty well this spring, but the pitching was atrocious. Crowe hit a 2-R HR today and Choo also added a bomb but we still lost 9-8. Reyes got roughed up, 6 runs in 2 innings.
I try not to read too much into what goes on in the preseason, but yeah, the pitching has been atrocious. Fausto has looked much better, and Kerry Wood isn't on the DL yet, so at least there's a couple positives to take away.

This year is going to be up to the pitching unfortunately, and IMO we don't have anyone pitching GREAT right now. It could be another long year :(
Way too early to tell. If the lineup plays up to it's potential, the pitching won't have to be great. For as poorly as they started last year, the offense really came on in the 2nd half and that was without Pronk contributing at all and limited help from Victor. They managed to finish 7th in MLB in runs scored after floating in the bottom 7 into July IIRC.

Cliff is going to see a dropoff, but if he can pitch up to his '04-'06 standard, he's a solid starter. Fausto is a wildcard. If he can show decent command and location, he's a very good top of the rotation/#2. Pavano just needs to be serviceable and bridge the gap until Jake can come back. Hopefully Lewis does well, but if he struggles, there's a handful of good/decent young arms waiting in the wings. Reyes is a solid #5 if he stays healthy. Pitching out of the 5th spot will allow them to skip his turn from time to time to help keep him healthy. The rotation isn't going to dominate most likely, but it should be solid.

I'm ready for opening day...
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Tribe down 4-0 after 2, I wonder if that ball coming up and hitting him in his throwing arm elbow has something to do with it? He had pretty good control before, but after he was kind of all over the place for most of the rest of the batters that inning.
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so glad I drafted Cliff Lee. Between his spring training performance and todays fantastic start Im brimming with confidence....and yes i know its early...I just need to vent
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I guess we should learn as Cleveland fans not to get our hopes up about anything

Cliff Lee is back to his average inconsistent self

and the offense gets mowed down by lower tier "ace" Kevin Milwood

great opening day
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Don't get down so fast on the Indians. Give them a month or two before were really stared to go into a funk:( I am willing to give them a little time but I just don't think our starting pitching is going to be that good this season including Lee.
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LitlBuck;1444866; said:
Don't get down so fast on the Indians. Give them a month or two before were really stared to go into a funk:( I am willing to give them a little time but I just don't think our starting pitching is going to be that good this season including Lee.

I think only scoring 1 run (only because of a wild pitch) in Texas against the dynamic pitching of the rangers is a cause to be down on them

8-1 now
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Kobayashi pitched well after an inconsistent spring is a good sign and Perez was also lights out...Lewis has dropped the ball here in the 8th. I still think what happened to Lee rattled him a little bit and hurt the rest of his outing. The bats unfortunately have not been there
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