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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

ysubuck;1445303; said:
What do you do with Hafner?

I know the guy was injured but he hasn't been a factor for the better part of 2 years now.

Would it be foolish to try Laporta in the DH spot?

You need to give Hafner at least half the season to try to get back in the groove. He makes too much money to write off after 1 game. If he can't hit by July and the Tribe has a chance at the playoffs then you look to put someone else at the DH. Was there this much doom and gloom when the Cavs lost their first game of the season to the Celtics?
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exhawg;1445307; said:
You need to give Hafner at least half the season to try to get back in the groove. He makes too much money to write off after 1 game. If he can't hit by July and the Tribe has a chance at the playoffs then you look to put someone else at the DH. Was there this much doom and gloom when the Cavs lost their first game of the season to the Celtics?

no, but when they lost to the hornets and were 1-2 at the beginning of the year, all you heard was how cleveland could only beat up on weak teams, and lose to anyone that was good. so, folks are a bit ahead of the curve with the tribe.
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exhawg;1445307; said:
You need to give Hafner at least half the season to try to get back in the groove. He makes too much money to write off after 1 game. If he can't hit by July and the Tribe has a chance at the playoffs then you look to put someone else at the DH. Was there this much doom and gloom when the Cavs lost their first game of the season to the Celtics?

I'm with you Exhawg. I don't understand all the pessimism after 1 game. Hafner's bound to have some rust after missing so much time. The offense in general didn't get going yesterday but that happens from time to time in baseball. Perhaps Millwood was pitching really well, for all we know he could be headed for a good year. Cliff didn't fare too well but from what I saw there weren't a lot of hard hit balls and the Rangers have a pretty good lineup. It's way to early to be making any judgements about the team or certain players. If this game took place in June everyone would just write it off as a bad game but since it was opening day some people are freaking out. It was just another game, one of 162.
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Gotta love Indian fans. I'll worry about Lee if he has another 2-3 outings like this in a row. Lee has historically not pitched well in Arlington. As for the offense... one game doesn't make a season. We just ruled out going 162-0.

As for Hafner, I am giving him til Memorial Weekend. If LaPorta or Brantley are tearing it up in Columbus, it will get VERY interesting around then.
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ysubuck;1445303; said:
What do you do with Hafner?

I know the guy was injured but he hasn't been a factor for the better part of 2 years now.

Would it be foolish to try Laporta in the DH spot?
I know that it's way too early in the season to start making projections but if Hafner is not producing by Memorial Day to any engine will be so far back it won't matter what happens. In addition, Hafner makes way too much money to do anything with him. You certainly don't sit a guy who makes that type of money and you certainly won't be able to trade him if he is not hitting. It doesn't feel like baseball weather anyhow.
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Jamey Carroll broke his hand, Tony Graffanino was recalled to replace him

Indians notes: Bad break for Carroll - The News-Herald Sports : Breaking news coverage for Northern Ohio

ARLINGTON, Texas — This was not what Indians infielder Jamey Carroll had in mind for opening day.

As the Tribe was opening the 2009 season in Texas on Monday afternoon, Carroll was flying to Baltimore, his 2009 season derailed even before it began.

Carroll was placed on the disabled list Monday, just a few hours before the Indians opened the season, due to a broken bone in his left hand.

To replace Carroll on the roster, the Indians purchased the contract of infielder Tony Graffanino from Columbus.
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JCOSU86;1445994; said:
I can't shake the feeling that the Pronk for a couple of years ago is gone forever.

I have the same feeling. Unfortunately we have that big contract with him so were stuck with him. Hopefully he can turn it around though. I would take 3/4 of the production he had in the past at this point.
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3/4 of his production would do wonders for this lineup. We have a dangerous lineup we just need Pronk to get his stuff back, and I'm sure Victor will be back to his old form as well.
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buckeyemania11;1446396; said:
4-1 Rangers in the 5th

getting mowed down by another mediocre pitcher

looks like another slow start
They blew a bases loaded 1 out opportunity. The announcers said the Indians were second to only the Rangers last year in runs with 2 outs which surprised me.
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