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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

buckeyemania11;1444851; said:
I guess we should learn as Cleveland fans not to get our hopes up about anything

Cliff Lee is back to his average inconsistent self

It's the first day of the season. Lee won the Cy Young last year, sad that I'm getting ready to say give him a break.
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LitlBuck;1444866; said:
Don't get down so fast on the Indians. Give them a month or two before were really stared to go into a funk:( I am willing to give them a little time but I just don't think our starting pitching is going to be that good this season including Lee.

IIRC they usually start slow even in the good years. They'll have to show me something before I start tuning in, but I wouldn't start to worry for at least a few weeks. With the way the Cavs are playing nobody is going to pay attention to the Tribe until June so their goal should be to be in contention then.
Smart move not extending Lee yet. His value is as high as it will ever be right now. Extend him when he drops back down to Earth this season.
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Some of these, well all of them, salaries are ridiculous:!

Indians Insider: Opening Day payroll pushes past $80 million for Tribe
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Sunday April 05, 2009, 9:32 PM
UPDATED: 11:03 p.m.

Texas -- The Indians, who open the season Monday afternoon, will do so with an estimated $80.52 million payroll for the 25-man roster. The total includes the salaries of Jake Westbrook and David Dellucci, who are on the disabled list.

Westbrook and Dellucci will make a combined $14 million this year, $10 million for Westbrook and $4 million for Dellucci.

This year's salary is slightly more than the 2008 opening day payroll of $79 million. The 2007 payroll was $61.7 million.

The two highest-paid active players are DH Travis Hafner at $11.5 million and closer Kerry Wood at $10 million.

Here are the salaries of the other players on the 25-man roster: Cliff Lee $5.75 million, Victor Martinez $5.7 million, Mark DeRosa $5.5 million, Grady Sizemore $4.6 million, Jhonny Peralta $3.4 million, Rafael Betancourt $3.35 million, Masa Kobayashi $3 million, Fausto Carmona $2.75 million, Jamey Carroll $2.5 million and Kelly Shoppach $1.95 million.

Carl Pavano $1.5 million, Ryan Garko $446,100, Rafael Perez $436,300, Joe Smith $427,500, Ben Francisco $421,400, Shin-Soo Choo $420,300, Jensen Lewis $418,600, Asdrubal Cabrera $416,700, Josh Barfield $416,100, Anthony Reyes $414,200, Zach Jackson $403,800, Trevor Crowe $400,000 and Scott Lewis $400,000.

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If the lineup can't do more than this, we're in big, big trouble. This team's bats consistently start slow, so I'm not too worried about that. I expected Cliff to come back t earth this season, now I'm worried he'll be back to his disastrous 2007 self. If that's the case, a lot is going to be resting on Fausto's shoulder.
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I don't think being hit by a ground ball in the arm should affect a Cy Young winner that much.

Texas flattens Lee and Cleveland Indians in season opener, 9-1
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Monday April 06, 2009, 4:41 PM
ARLINGTON, Texas -- Left-hander Cliff Lee's ragged Cactus League season followed him into the regular season today at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington.

Lee allowed seven runs as the Indians lost their season opener, 9-1, to the Rangers. Kevin Millwood, pitching the season opener for the fourth straight year, went seven innings for the victory.

The Rangers took a 4-0 lead in the second after Lee was hit in the left wrist on Hank Blalock's one-hopper. Lee tested his wrist with one practice pitch and stayed in the game. Jarrod Saltalamacchia and Ian Kinsler had two-run singles, both with two out, for the big hits of the game.

Texas added three more runs in the fifth on Blalock's three-run homer off Lee. In five innings, Lee allowed 10 hits. The start was similar to his March 16 performance against the same Texas team in spring training. In that game Lee allowed 10 runs on 11 hits in 2 2/3 innings.

The Rangers added two more runs in the eighth off Jensen Lewis.
Saltalamacchia homered and Michael Young singled home the second run.
Texas tied a franchise record with 15 hits in a season opener. The only other time they did it was against the Indians in 1982.

The Indians were held to five hits. Their only run came in the seventh when Travis Hafner scored on Millwood's wild pitch.
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So against one of the worst pitching teams in MLB, they manage one run on five hits. I do not understand why year in and year out this team is incapable of hitting in the first couple months of the season. I know it's early, but mark my words, this team will be in the bottom quarter of the league in offense come June. If the pitching struggles as much as I fear it might, could get ugly early.

Hate to be a downer after just one game, but after waiting this long for them to start play, then lay an egg like this, I'm a little grouchy and want to vent.
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NFBuck;1444902; said:
So against one of the worst pitching teams in MLB, they manage one run on five hits. I do not understand why year in and year out this team is incapable of hitting in the first couple months of the season. I know it's early, but mark my words, this team will be in the bottom quarter of the league in offense come June. If the pitching struggles as much as I fear it might, could get ugly early.

Hate to be a downer after just one game, but after waiting this long for them to start play, then lay an egg like this, I'm a little grouchy and want to vent.

this team has had a habit of getting dominated by average/below average pitching (especially last year)

Travis Hafner is worthless now, but since he is getting paid a outrageous contract they most likely arent going to sit him
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At least Sabathia got roughed up in his debut today (4 1/3, 8H, 6ER, 5BB, 0K). Loved the guy with the Tribe, but he's part of the evil empire now so, fuck him. I still find it comical how much money the Yanks spent on him and Burnett. They're both going to flop big time.
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the last time in recent memory that cleveland got off to a hot start was the '06 season where they stormed out of the gate the first 10 days, then absolutely sucked the rest of the way.

i'll revisit their start in about a week before i start climbing out on the ledge.
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