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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

billmac91;1434434; said:
I've always liked Laffey.....I don't think he's ever had a fair chance. Even when he was pitching light sout last year, it was a matter of time before someone else got healthy and would take his spot.

I'm for Laffey.

I'd like either Laffey or Lewis there. Aside from the fact he's a Buckeye, Lewis has looked good as well.
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Sowers sent down


Cleveland Indians cut Sowers, Saarloos; race for fifth starter's spot coming into focus
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Tuesday March 24, 2009, 12:11 PM

GOODYEAR, Ariz -- The Indians sent seven more players to the minors today and in the process narrowed the competition for the fifth starter's job.

Left-hander Jeremy Sowers and catcher Wyatt Toregas were sent to Class AAA Columbus. Right-hander Greg Aquino, infielder Michael Aubrey, right-hander Kirk Saarloos and outfielders Matt LaPorta and Michael Brantley were re-assigned to minor league camp.
There are currently 37 players in big-league camp.

Sowers and Saarloos were competing for the fifth spot in the rotation. With Sowers and Saarloos demoted, that leaves left-handers Scott Lewis, Aaron Laffey and Zach Jackson to compete for the job. If Jackson doesn't make the rotation, he has a good chance to make the bullpen.

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With Sowers and Saarloos demoted, that leaves left-handers Scott Lewis, Aaron Laffey and Zach Jackson to compete for the job. If Jackson doesn't make the rotation, he has a good chance to make the bullpen.

Scott Lewis has had a good spring but I think unless something happens to Laffey he will be in there to start the season

but as long as it isnt Sowers (which it obviously wont be now) or Jackson im fine with it
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buckeyemania11;1436975; said:
Scott Lewis has had a good spring but I think unless something happens to Laffey he will be in there to start the season

but as long as it isnt Sowers (which it obviously wont be now) or Jackson im fine with it

Agreed. Lewis and Laffey, I think theyre both solid options and really enjoy watching both of them pitch. Theyre about the same age too. Laffey 23, Lewis 25.
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Shapiro was saying that right now Lewis would get the fifth starting rotation over Laffey and Jackson would go to the pen and I guess we would see Laffey in Columbus. Don't see a whole lot regarding how the Indians are hitting except that Hafner is still working on his timing:(
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LitlBuck;1437003; said:
Shapiro was saying that right now Lewis would get the fifth starting rotation over Laffey and Jackson would go to the pen and I guess we would see Laffey in Columbus. Don't see a whole lot regarding how the Indians are hitting except that Hafner is still working on his timing:(

besides Hafner everyone who should be regular players have been hitting pretty well this spring

Peralta (35 AB) .457
Sizemore (28 AB) .429
Cabrera (33 AB) .333
Francisco (37 AB) .324
Martinez (32 AB) .313
Garko (39 AB) .308
Mark DeRosa .316 in the WBC
Choo struggled in the WBC, which may had been a result of his injury (I think he had 2 hits the whole thing), he hit a HR in the final though
Shoppach (34 AB) .235
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Left-hander Scott Lewis wins last spot in rotation; will pitch home opener for Cleveland Indians
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Wednesday March 25, 2009, 3:03 PM

GOODYEAR, Ariz. -- GM Mark Shapiro wasn't kidding when he said the Indians would name their last starting pitcher "sooner rather than later."

One day after Jeremy Sowers was demoted to the minors and Aaron Laffey was knocked around in a minor league game, left-hander Scott Lewis was named the fifth starter and Laffey was sent to the minors.
"They told me this morning," said Lewis, before the Indians played San Diego later today. "I think a lot of it had to do with how I pitched in September and how I've pitched this spring."

Lewis said he'd pitch the fourth game of the season, which would be the Tribe's home opener against Toronto on April 10 at 4:05 p.m.. Anthony Reyes will reportedly pitch in the fifth spot to give him some extra rest.
The rotation lis expected to be left-hander Cliff Lee, right-hander Fausto Carmona, right-hander Carl Pavano, (left-hander) Lewis and (right-hander) Reyes.

Click to hear audio (1:49) of Eric Wedge talking about Scott Lewis and Carl Pavano.Lewis, who lives in Washington Court House, Ohio, was called up from Class AA Akron in September when Reyes was shut down with a sore right elbow and went 4-0 in four starts.

This spring he's 1-1 with a 3.52 ERA in five Cactus League appearances, including one start. He has 12 strikeouts and six walks in 15 1/3 innings. He's allowed six earned runs and the opposition is hitting .241 against him.

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Piney;1437601; said:
Was just going to post that LitlBuck.

Lewis is #4 because with Reyes being #5 he can get some extra rest throughout the season.
sure your were. I have to do all of the work:biggrin:
BuckeyeMac;1437608; said:
Nice...the season can't come soon enough. Just under 12 days!!!
Well, I guess we should probably get ready for a snowstorm if baseball season is about to start in Cleveland:(
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Okay, with spring training winding down, here's a few thoughts...
  1. Pronk is done :(. I know they say he's still getting his timing back and whatnot, but he just seems to be sapped of his once prodigious power. Is the shoulder fully healed? Is it still mental? I don't know, but the best I'm hoping for out of him at this point is something a little less than his mediocre '07 season. At worst, he's done.
  2. I like that a lot of the youngsters were given significant time and looked pretty good. I think LaPorta will be ready by midseason. Doesn't mean he'll be called on at that point, but he'll be ready. If Francisco falls back to earth (appears quite possible after his late season swoon, though he looks good this spring), LaPorta should get the call IMO. I really like Brantley as a future top-of-the-order hitter. We definately got the best of that Sabathia deal now (well, not definately, but it looks good). Crowe looked decent and may contribute at some point this season. Hodges was OK, but doesn't appear ready. That's not as big a deal with DeRosa on board now though.
  3. Looks like the Andy Marte experiment may finally be over. Thank God. What a fiasco.
  4. Jhonny was hitting the cover off the ball. Hope it continues into the regular season. I was all for trading him at one point last season, but if he can give good production for the SS position, he's a major asset.
  5. I'm excited about "Big League" Choo in RF. He didn't look great it the WBC, but supposedly had some nagging injuries. If he's healed up, he could be a major sleeper. He even got some love on ESPN's fantasy baseball special. He was a monster over the last two months last year.
  6. Victor looks like he got his power back, remains to be seen how he handles playing 1B sometimes. Shoppach is still hitting relatively well, as is Garko.
  7. Asdrubal looks solid again after bouncing back late in the season and I like the versatility Carroll provides in the infield.
  8. Grady is Grady, which is to say a stud. He's one of the top 3 or 4 young guys I'd want to build a team around in all of baseball.
  9. Cliff has looked awful this spring. I mean awful. I don't think anybody in their right mind expects another season like last, but hopfully the dropoff isn't too drastic. He has really looked bad. Shapiro isn't willing to negotiate an extension at this point, so hopefully he uses that as motivation to get things going.
  10. Fausto has looked good for the most part, but still seems to be having control issues which concerns me some.
  11. Reyes has looked good and could be a real find as the #5.
  12. Pavano...meh. I don't expect much. If he's not on the DL in May, it's a bonus.
  13. Please God, please let Kerry Wood stay healthy. At least Jensen Lewis looked pretty good last year in the Closer role last season and we don't have Borowski raising my blood pressure anymore.
  14. The bullpen still looks iffy, but it can't possibly be as bad as last year. Can it?
All in all, I'm cautiously optimistic heading into the year. A lot will hinge on the bullpen improving, the rotation coming together (Cliff has to be somewhere between his '04-'06 self and last season and Fausto needs to bounce back). I think anything from Pronk is a bonus at this point, but we need Victor back to his old self. There's still too many questions to expect much going in, but it's an odd year, so we have that going for us.
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NFBuck;1439246; said:
Okay, with spring training winding down, here's a few thoughts...
  1. Pronk is done :(. I know they say he's still getting his timing back and whatnot, but he just seems to be sapped of his once prodigious power. Is the shoulder fully healed? Is it still mental? I don't know, but the best I'm hoping for out of him at this point is something a little less than his mediocre '07 season. At worst, he's done.
  2. I like that a lot of the youngsters were given significant time and looked pretty good. I think LaPorta will be ready by midseason. Doesn't mean he'll be called on at that point, but he'll be ready. If Francisco falls back to earth (appears quite possible after his late season swoon, though he looks good this spring), LaPorta should get the call IMO. I really like Brantley as a future top-of-the-order hitter. We definately got the best of that Sabathia deal now (well, not definately, but it looks good). Crowe looked decent and may contribute at some point this season. Hodges was OK, but doesn't appear ready. That's not as big a deal with DeRosa on board now though.
  3. Looks like the Andy Marte experiment may finally be over. Thank God. What a fiasco.
  4. Jhonny was hitting the cover off the ball. Hope it continues into the regular season. I was all for trading him at one point last season, but if he can give good production for the SS position, he's a major asset.
  5. I'm excited about "Big League" Choo in RF. He didn't look great it the WBC, but supposedly had some nagging injuries. If he's healed up, he could be a major sleeper. He even got some love on ESPN's fantasy baseball special. He was a monster over the last two months last year.
  6. Victor looks like he got his power back, remains to be seen how he handles playing 1B sometimes. Shoppach is still hitting relatively well, as is Garko.
  7. Asdrubal looks solid again after bouncing back late in the season and I like the versatility Carroll provides in the infield.
  8. Grady is Grady, which is to say a stud. He's one of the top 3 or 4 young guys I'd want to build a team around in all of baseball.
  9. Cliff has looked awful this spring. I mean awful. I don't think anybody in their right mind expects another season like last, but hopfully the dropoff isn't too drastic. He has really looked bad. Shapiro isn't willing to negotiate an extension at this point, so hopefully he uses that as motivation to get things going.
  10. Fausto has looked good for the most part, but still seems to be having control issues which concerns me some.
  11. Reyes has looked good and could be a real find as the #5.
  12. Pavano...meh. I don't expect much. If he's not on the DL in May, it's a bonus.
  13. Please God, please let Kerry Wood stay healthy. At least Jensen Lewis looked pretty good last year in the Closer role last season and we don't have Borowski raising my blood pressure anymore.
  14. The bullpen still looks iffy, but it can't possibly be as bad as last year. Can it?
All in all, I'm cautiously optimistic heading into the year. A lot will hinge on the bullpen improving, the rotation coming together (Cliff has to be somewhere between his '04-'06 self and last season and Fausto needs to bounce back). I think anything from Pronk is a bonus at this point, but we need Victor back to his old self. There's still too many questions to expect much going in, but it's an odd year, so we have that going for us.

1. if hafner can give cleveland '07 production, they should be happy.
2. brantley and laporta may both see some time in the show this year, especially if cleveland tanks early and starts playing youngsters
3. marte lived off of potential for as long as he could. thankfully that's over.
4. peralta is erratic at times, but he's defensively not as bad as people make him out to be, and a + offensive player for his position.
5. will he fall back to earth, or was that the choo that we will see going forward?
6. playing victor at 1st on occassion can only help him in the long run of the season.
7. if cleveland can get an entire season of that kind of production from ascab, he'll be really valuable.
8. yes.
9. i'd take a slightly improved version of the '05 cliff lee, where he throws a lot of innings, puts up an era of about 4.00, and wins 15. that's not great from your #2, but cleveland should be happy with it. and, you never extend a pitcher after he's had an outlier career-year. it's bad business. in fact, i'd exercise his option year and deal him next season.
10. it's the nature of his style. in order to get the movement he does, he's going to sacrifice some degree of control. it's finding the balance that's important. hitters have adjusted to him. they make him throw his sinker for strikes more often now.
11. if he stays healthy
12. i always figured the goal with pavano was to have him give what he can and hope that he lasts until westbrook returns.
13-14. there are a lot of quality arms in the pen, both with the big club and in AAA. They will find 7 guys that can get it done, but it is all dependent on wood staying off the DL, and setting the rotation back from him. hopefully sipp can keep it going and take a spot in the pen as well.
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NFBuck;1439246; said:
Okay, with spring training winding down, here's a few thoughts...
  1. Pronk is done :(. I know they say he's still getting his timing back and whatnot, but he just seems to be sapped of his once prodigious power. Is the shoulder fully healed? Is it still mental? I don't know, but the best I'm hoping for out of him at this point is something a little less than his mediocre '07 season. At worst, he's done.
  2. I like that a lot of the youngsters were given significant time and looked pretty good. I think LaPorta will be ready by midseason. Doesn't mean he'll be called on at that point, but he'll be ready. If Francisco falls back to earth (appears quite possible after his late season swoon, though he looks good this spring), LaPorta should get the call IMO. I really like Brantley as a future top-of-the-order hitter. We definately got the best of that Sabathia deal now (well, not definately, but it looks good). Crowe looked decent and may contribute at some point this season. Hodges was OK, but doesn't appear ready. That's not as big a deal with DeRosa on board now though.
  3. Looks like the Andy Marte experiment may finally be over. Thank God. What a fiasco.
  4. Jhonny was hitting the cover off the ball. Hope it continues into the regular season. I was all for trading him at one point last season, but if he can give good production for the SS position, he's a major asset.
  5. I'm excited about "Big League" Choo in RF. He didn't look great it the WBC, but supposedly had some nagging injuries. If he's healed up, he could be a major sleeper. He even got some love on ESPN's fantasy baseball special. He was a monster over the last two months last year.
  6. Victor looks like he got his power back, remains to be seen how he handles playing 1B sometimes. Shoppach is still hitting relatively well, as is Garko.
  7. Asdrubal looks solid again after bouncing back late in the season and I like the versatility Carroll provides in the infield.
  8. Grady is Grady, which is to say a stud. He's one of the top 3 or 4 young guys I'd want to build a team around in all of baseball.
  9. Cliff has looked awful this spring. I mean awful. I don't think anybody in their right mind expects another season like last, but hopfully the dropoff isn't too drastic. He has really looked bad. Shapiro isn't willing to negotiate an extension at this point, so hopefully he uses that as motivation to get things going.
  10. Fausto has looked good for the most part, but still seems to be having control issues which concerns me some.
  11. Reyes has looked good and could be a real find as the #5.
  12. Pavano...meh. I don't expect much. If he's not on the DL in May, it's a bonus.
  13. Please God, please let Kerry Wood stay healthy. At least Jensen Lewis looked pretty good last year in the Closer role last season and we don't have Borowski raising my blood pressure anymore.
  14. The bullpen still looks iffy, but it can't possibly be as bad as last year. Can it?
All in all, I'm cautiously optimistic heading into the year. A lot will hinge on the bullpen improving, the rotation coming together (Cliff has to be somewhere between his '04-'06 self and last season and Fausto needs to bounce back). I think anything from Pronk is a bonus at this point, but we need Victor back to his old self. There's still too many questions to expect much going in, but it's an odd year, so we have that going for us.

good post.

When does Choo have to report to the Korean army? Is that after this season?
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tsteele316;1439257; said:
1. if hafner can give cleveland '07 production, they should be happy.
Agreed. If he can produce somewhere in the vicinity of .250-25-85, I'd be thrilled.

9. i'd take a slightly improved version of the '05 cliff lee, where he throws a lot of innings, puts up an era of about 4.00, and wins 15. that's not great from your #2, but cleveland should be happy with it. and, you never extend a pitcher after he's had an outlier career-year. it's bad business. in fact, i'd exercise his option year and deal him next season.
Agreed again. I'm not wanting Shapiro to throw a heap of cash his way. Last season was most likely an aberration. Like you said, a good chunk of innings, 15 wins and an ERA around 3.75-4.00 seems reasonable.

13-14. there are a lot of quality arms in the pen, both with the big club and in AAA. They will find 7 guys that can get it done, but it is all dependent on wood staying off the DL, and setting the rotation back from him. hopefully sipp can keep it going and take a spot in the pen as well.
The quality arms are there, but will they produce? That's the question. Wood staying healthy in necessary to compete for the division. Lewis was solid down the stretch last summer, but he's not likely to be able to shoulder that load for any significant amount of time. Smith was an upgrade. I'm still not sold on Kobayashi. Raffy Perez was decent last year and if he can find a happy medium between '07 and '08 would be a solid asset.
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