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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

billmac91;1419435; said:
following up an earlier report in this thread, the Indians are still VERY interested in Pedro Martinez according to MLB Network.

The Tribe and the Dodgers are the leading suitors, but both will be waiting to make an offer depending on the WBC where Pedro will be pitching for the Dominican Republic....most likely.

You'd have to assume if Pedro pitches well, we get outbid by the Dodgers, or another team comes in from left-field with a better offer so my hopes are tempered.

I'd like to see Pedro in Cleveland though. He is a competitive guy and would bring some edge to the team. Obvously, you have to worry about injury breakdowns with guys like Wood already in the fold.

another high risk/high reward type guy

if he could manage to stay healthy it would be good to have him as probably our #4 starter

agree 100% with the bold part though
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Managers worry as Shin-Soo Choo reports sore elbow on the other side of the world
by Paul Hoynes / Plain Dealer reporter
Wednesday March 04, 2009, 10:52 PM

GOODYEAR, Ariz. -- The Indians want right-fielder Shin-Soo Choo to go one better than E.T. They don't want him to phone home, they want him to come home.

Choo has come down with a sore left elbow while playing with South Korea in the World Baseball Classic. The Indians can't snap their fingers and bring Choo back to Arizona because he's in Japan preparing to play Taiwan on Friday.

"At this point the Indians' wishes are to get him back here so we can examine him," said GM Mark Shapiro. "Just because we're not comfortable with him being somewhere else and experiencing an injury. We're going to keep an open mind until we get full information."

Choo get back to United States for some good treatment. No acupuncture.
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:lol: I think the Yankees would love his power numbers


If the Yankees come calling for third baseman Andy Marte, the Cleveland Indians will listen
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Thursday March 05, 2009, 2:07 PM

GOODYEAR, Ariz. -- Could Alex Rodriguez's disappointment be Andy Marte's ticket out of Cleveland?

ESPN is reporting that Rodriguez, third baseman for the New York Yankees, will need surgery on his right hip to remove a cyst. The surgery could sideline him for at least 10 weeks. The Yankees backup third baseman is Cody Ransom, 33, who played 33 games for them last year.

GM Mark Shapiro said the Yankees have not called about Marte. Shapiro added, "If they call, we'll listen."

Marte has become dead wood in Cleveland. He flopped last season after being given the third base job following the July trade of Casey Blake to the Dodgers. This spring the Indians designated him for assignment after making a deal with Tampa Bay for right-hander Juan Salas.

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Are we there spent off in the outfield:huh: Garko in RF:tongue2:


Ryan Garko has become Mr. Left Field and Mr. Right Field for the Cleveland Indians this spring
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Tuesday March 10, 2009, 3:42 PM

TEMPE, Ariz. -- The Ryan Garko experiment has gone so well in left field that manager Eric Wedge has decided to try him in right field. Garko started in right field today against the Angels.

"Ryan has shown himself better out there than most of us expected," said Wedge, talking to reporters before the game. "I'm sure some of you guys are included in that.

"He's worked out a few days in right field with Jeff Datz (outfield coach) and we want to give him some reps out there."

The Indians drafted Garko out of Stanford as a catcher before moving him to first base. Wedge says he has enough arm strength to play the outfield.

"With guys like Garko, Josh Barfield and Jamey Carroll, we just want them to throw the ball true and hit the cutoff man," said Wedge. "We want them to catch the balls they can catch, take good angles, make good throws and hit."

The reasons are evident why the Indians are trying to make Garko more versatile. Catcher/first baseman Victor Martinez appears healthy and DH Travis Hafner is on the mend. They both missed much of last season.

Wedge is looking for a way to get Garko's bat in the lineup more because he'll be losing at bats at DH and first base. He drove in 90 runs last year.

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If Garko can play that well in the Outfield, keep him there...That would include Victor playing 1st most of the time with Shoppach catching, and Pronk at DH. Which of course, you could give victor the day off, and put a natural in the OF and move Garko to 1st for the game. This could help Victor out tremendously in the long run if he can play well out there (Garko).
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BuckeyeMac;1425957; said:
If Garko can play that well in the Outfield, keep him there...That would include Victor playing 1st most of the time with Shoppach catching, and Pronk at DH. Which of course, you could give victor the day off, and put a natural in the OF and move Garko to 1st for the game. This could help Victor out tremendously in the long run if he can play well out there (Garko).
We are in agreement but in other things I have read this is almost for the big boy in the OF. They really want Victor behind the plate with Kelly just catching Lee.
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Pieces of article


Terry Pluto: What I'm hearing from Goodyear, and what I'm thinking about the Indians
by Terry Pluto / Plain Dealer Columnist
Tuesday March 10, 2009, 3:41 PM

CLEVELAND -- 1. I hear Anthony Reyes has been the most impressive pitcher in camp. Not in terms of stuff, but just savvy and looking ready to go.

2. I hear Jeremy Sowers is throwing harder than ever with the Tribe -- being clocked at 92 mph. But his control is iffy, there is not enough "separation" or space between his fastball and changeup. I think he's headed to Class AAA.
3. I hear part of the reason Fausto Carmona looks like his old self is his chemistry with Victor Martinez. The Indians want control from Carmona, and he has walked only two in eight spring innings.

4. I think the idea of Martinez catching Carmona is smart.
5. I hear Manager Eric Wedge saying Dave Dellucci "is on the club for now." I think that is written in ink. I think there are real alternatives in both Josh Barfield and Trevor Crowe as backup outfielders,

6. I hear David Huff was "dominating" in an intrasquad game Monday, and he soon will be throwing in preseason games. I think he can win the fifth starter spot unless Aaron Laffey (7 ER, 12 hits, 5 innings) turns around quick.

7. I hear good things about Wes Hodges (6-of-16) this spring, and I had a brain belch when I forgot to list him last Sunday as the position prospects who have impressed GM Mark Shapiro, the others being Michael Brantley, Carlos Santana, Matt LaPorta and Crowe. LaPorta and Brantley look close to big-league ready today.

8. I hear Asdrubal Cabrera is 7-10 pounds lighter than a year ago and looks terrific in the field at second or shortstop. I also hear Jhonny Peralta is mashing the ball, and Ryan Garko (10-15 pounds lighter) is doing an OK job in left field.

9. I hear good things about Carl Pavano, but I don't think I trust him to stay healthy and/or effective. I'm hoping they get one reliable starter from Reyes/Pavano.

10. I hear the Indians are trying to get Masa Kobayashi (3 IP, 5H, 5 W, 4 ER) to use his splitter more. I hear the Indians say he's a veteran and they are not worried about him. I think if they aren't worried -- they are concerned. And they should be, because he's having the same problems that he did last year after the All-Star break (10.32 ERA).
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5. I hear Manager Eric Wedge saying Dave Dellucci "is on the club for now." I think that is written in ink. I think there are real alternatives in both Josh Barfield and Trevor Crowe as backup outfielders,

hopefully if Dellucci doesnt perform he gets scraped

much rather see a young player get a shot than a mediocre veteran struggling all season
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LitlBuck said:
We are in agreement but in other things I have read this is almost for the big boy in the OF. They really want Victor behind the plate with Kelly just catching Lee.

That sucks, I really like Shoppach, and to only see him 1 day of the 5 day rotation kind of stinks.

buckeyemania11;1425992; said:
hopefully if Dellucci doesnt perform he gets scraped

much rather see a young player get a shot than a mediocre veteran struggling all season

Couldn't agree with you more
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Really, I don't mind Dellucci making the club out of spring. The reason? Cuz I don't mind the young OFs getting another month or two in the minors if they would just sit on the bench and play 1-2 times a week in the bigs.

Then when one of the young kids tears it up down on the farm you can cut Dellucci in May/June. Or better yet be able to trade him cuz he has played decently. But if not, a vet backup OF is not a bad thing.

I so hope Martinez isn't catching 4 out of 5 days with his only rest is when Lee is on the mound. Hopefully Shoppach can develop a relationship with one of the other pitchers so it is more of a 2/3 split versus a potential 1/4 split.
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Cleveland Indians reliever Kerry Wood efficient in first action of spring training
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Wednesday March 11, 2009, 1:31 AM

TEMPE, Ariz. -- On May 1, 1991, Nolan Ryan threw a no-hitter against Toronto for the Texas Rangers. It was the seventh and final no-hitter of his career.

In the bleachers that night at ramshackle Arlington Stadium, Kerry Wood watched the no-hitter. The Texas-born Wood was 14, Ryan 44.
"I got in free," Wood said. "A grocery store was giving away tickets for the game."

Wood is 31 and he always figured he'd be like Ryan or Roger Clemens, his two favorite pitchers growing up. Not throwing no-hitters necessarily -- Clemens never threw one -- but being a starting pitcher in the big leagues.

"I didn't even know what relievers were back then," Wood said.
Wood started for the Cubs from 1998 through 2006, but his body finally quit in protest. Now he is in the second year of reinventing himself as a closer. He saved 34 games last year, and the Indians signed him in December to a two-year, $20.5 million contract.

Tuesday, Wood pitched in his first spring-training game after dealing with a stiff back early in camp. He relieved starter Carl Pavano in the fourth inning, so the Angels big-league hitters would still be in the lineup, and retired the side on nine pitches.

From the same article:

Check him out: Tribe doctors examined outfielder Shin-Soo Choo on Tuesday. Choo, playing for South Korea in the World Baseball Classic, came down with a sore left elbow during the first round.
The injury is not believed to be serious, but the Indians were going to wait until today to announce their findings.

South Korea, preparing for the WBC's second round, will train in Arizona.

Finally: Reliever Joe Smith will make his Tribe debut today against Colorado. He was sidelined for a week with a viral infection. Cliff Lee gets the start against the Rockies. The game is not on TV or radio, but it is on indians.com. .¤.¤. The Indians announced that all players on the 40-man roster are signed.
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Indians' Reyes pitching like he belongs in the rotation
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:18 AM
Associated Press

Reyes has yet to allow a run this spring and said yesterday that he feels no lingering effects of the sore elbow that ended his 2008 season early.
"Haven't felt a thing, not even a little soreness anywhere in my body," Reyes said. "It's the best I have felt in years."

That might sound even sweeter to the Indians than Reyes' early numbers: three hits and one walk with five strikeouts over five innings. That includes three perfect innings Monday against the Chicago White Sox.
"If Anthony Reyes is healthy, he'll most likely make our team as a starter," general manager Mark Shapiro said. "Not that I expect him to break down. I just don't know."

Manager Eric Wedge likes what he has seen, but says the fourth and fifth spots in the rotation remain open.

"He's done a good job," Wedge said. "Nothing fazes him. He's very serious and I like that."

Reyes, 27, is well aware that it is up to him to grasp the opportunity. "I've played long enough to know nothing is guaranteed," he said. "You earn your stripes and win a spot.

"That's fine with me because I like to do things 100 percent."
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Choo okay-- whew


Cleveland Indians outfielder Shin-Soo Choo will keep playing for South Korea in WBC
by Paul Hoynes/Plain Dealer Reporter
Wednesday March 11, 2009, 12:12 PM

GOODYEAR, Ariz. -- GM Mark Shapiro said this morning that outfielder Shin-Soo Choo passed his physical Tuesday and will be allowed to continue playing for South Korea in the World Baseball Classic.

Korea and Japan advanced to the second round of the WBC. This round will be played at Petco Park in San Diego.

Choo came down with a sore left elbow during the first round in Tokyo, Japan. The Indians were concerned because Choo underwent Tommy John surgery on the elbow in 2007.

Shapiro was going to meet reporters at 12:15 p.m. ET to discuss Choo's status.
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Apparently, not only has Garko succeeded in the OF, but he's got some speed now. He freaking tripled today in a 4-3 win over the A's. :lol: Laffey had a good outing going 4 innings without a run.
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