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Indians Tidbits (2009 season)

Tom Hamilton was on the local mid day show yesterday and Pronk came up during the course of the conversation.

Hamilton said that Pronk is healthy and is looking great in bp but they are bringing him along S L O W L Y this spring.

Said his confidence took a beating last season but he is feeling and looking much better.
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ysubuck;1418045; said:
Tom Hamilton was on the local mid day show yesterday and Pronk came up during the course of the conversation.

Hamilton said that Pronk is healthy and is looking great in bp but they are bringing him along S L O W L Y this spring.

Said his confidence took a beating last season but he is feeling and looking much better.

no reason to rush him along

if he turns out to be back to his old form this lineup is going to be one of the more dangerous lineups in the MLB
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ysubuck;1418045; said:
Tom Hamilton was on the local mid day show yesterday and Pronk came up during the course of the conversation.

Hamilton said that Pronk is healthy and is looking great in bp but they are bringing him along S L O W L Y this spring.

Said his confidence took a beating last season but he is feeling and looking much better.

That's good news, but I'm limiting my expectations. If he's healthy, a big IF, it would be huge for the lineup.
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I turned off today's ST game vs the D-backs with the Tribe up 9-7. Good thing, they proceeded to get hammered 15-9. 8 fucking unanswered runs. 8 unearned runs :shake:

Of course it was all guys who are going to be at C-bus, Akron or slinging hash in 2 months...
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JCOSU86;1418153; said:
I turned off today's ST game vs the D-backs with the Tribe up 9-7. Good thing, they proceeded to get hammered 15-9. 8 [censored]ing unanswered runs. 8 unearned runs :shake:

Of course it was all guys who are going to be at C-bus, Akron or slinging hash in 2 months...

yea the 2 guys who will be on the MLB roster Laffey and Jensen Lewis gave up zero earned runs

nobody of significance has gotten hammered these first 2 games, like you said its been the non roster invites and emergency option type players (Cassel Ohka Mujica etc)

the errors were made by Jordan Brown (2) and Stephen head 2 decent minor league prospects, theyll probably both start the season in AAA and be injury insurance options this season, Aaron Laffey made the other error
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CincyBuck88;1413414; said:
Were you able to get them? I was unsuccessful. Looks like all those Cubs fans who swore off their team at the end of the season last year were full of it.
i did get bleacher seats for the sunday game... saturday only had singles at the time... tried back for Friday, but was too late
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Piney;1418446; said:
Just a little overreaction to a minor thing. :roll1: This kind of things happen every spring training as guys get back to playing every day.

Given Mr. Wood's injury history and the concern most of us expressed about it when he signed, I can see the dark humor here...

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Victor looks to be in his old form, pounding 2 HR's today. Last year with those pitches it would have been a ground ball as he swung on top of everything last year. That's 1 back to form, lets hope Pronk is back too
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following up an earlier report in this thread, the Indians are still VERY interested in Pedro Martinez according to MLB Network.

The Tribe and the Dodgers are the leading suitors, but both will be waiting to make an offer depending on the WBC where Pedro will be pitching for the Dominican Republic....most likely.

You'd have to assume if Pedro pitches well, we get outbid by the Dodgers, or another team comes in from left-field with a better offer so my hopes are tempered.

I'd like to see Pedro in Cleveland though. He is a competitive guy and would bring some edge to the team. Obvously, you have to worry about injury breakdowns with guys like Wood already in the fold.
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