tsteele316;1508176; said:masterson is hardly filler. he's the best arm out of cleveland's pen as of right now. he's been a little messed up from being a starter/pen guy going back and forth. he's a #3 or #4 starter if they get him more consistent.
the fact that victor is in an absolute offensive nosedive killed whatever small chance there was that cleveland could get buckholz.
You may be right about Masterson, and yeah, he's at least a capable middle relief guy. All I have to go off of is stats and the few times I've seen him pitch. I was just never impressed.
But yeah, Victor's nosedive since May probably was an impeding factor.
tsteele316;1508181; said:giving the indians an extra 1st round pick is like giving one to the oakland raiders. cleveland is far better off taking the somewhat established minor league talent.
No shit. An extra draft pick with this current regime is the equivalent of giving Rosie O'Donnell a tittie job.
*Edit* At least we're not the Reds. They just traded Encarnacion and one of their top prospects for 35 year old Scott Rolen. Holy shit. The curse of Marge Schott is a strong one.

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