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Game Thread Illinois 28, Ohio State 21 (final)

OWUBuckeye51;990481; said:
I couldnt agree more.

Hey Illinois... you deserved to win today, but why don't you act like you have been there before?
Been where - beating the #1 team on their home turf? Not a whole lot of teams have.

Not that it condones jumping on the logo - I never like to see that - but they just knocked off the #1 team in the nation. I don't expect shenanigans, but I don't expect them to just walk off the field like they expected it to happen either.
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I must say this game wasn't as hard to watch when you have alcohol in your system... couple things for me on the day, but first off CONGRATS TO ILLINOIS THEY DESERVED THIS GAME.

1. The defensive gameplan was total SHIT. This was the biggest thing for me most definately. I know Juice Williams played the game of his life today, but to atleast not make them 1 demensional is unacceptable. I don't know if it's injuries, players being punished, or whatever it is, but there's NO WAY we shoudl be playing a damn 3 man defensive line against a team who has a big/nasty offensive line. We got mauled on the ground for 260 yards!! The reason Juice was able to pass as such was because we had no answer for their running game (play action anybody?), and we had zero pass rush because of the lack of size up front for us. If we plan on winning next week we better play with a 4 man, 3 linebacker, 4 d-back formation. If we crowd the box (and by crowding I'm talking 4 lineman, 3 backs, 1 safty) we stop the run, and we force Williams to make even more impressive throws in tight spaces, which I don't think he does. I don't think crowding the box means 3 lineman 3 backers and 1 DB that's a small front 7 to be putting up against 290 pound smashers.

2. More beanie less Todd Boeckman. What I think has happpened here is that the staff trusts Todd more than they should. Sure he's a good QB, but don't forget what got Todd/Team to this point. I know Chris had 20 carries, but thats not enough in a game like this. When your QB is throwing INT's (one going for 7 points later in their drive), and isn't completing many passes you have to tire them down. Beanie scores from 11 yards out (I was thinkin Wisconsin game) and we get the ball back after a 3 and out and we throw an INT on first down on a down field pass??? WHY? If we run the ball and we put the ball in the endzone the physical way that would demorilize them. I wouldn't say the lanes were closed off either like stated above. Many times the lanes were there but just tremendous open field tackles were made, and again thats a credit to Illinois' players making plays.
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HailToMichigan;990488; said:
Not that it condones jumping on the logo - I never like to see that - but they just knocked off the #1 team in the nation. I don't expect shenanigans, but I don't expect them to just walk off the field like they expected it to happen either.

There are many ways to celebrate without showing classless disrespect to your opponent's home field. Did we dance on your "M" in 2001 or 2005? Nope...
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You can celebrate on the way to your sideline to hold up a damn turtle, but stomping on the other team's logo is just disrespectful. I hated it when Wiscy and OSU traded a few stomps on each other's logo in the not-to-distant past. It's just wrong.

Now if it was Illinois over #1 (insert SEC Team), I might say tsk tsk...:biggrin:
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HailToMichigan;990488; said:
Been where - beating the #1 team on their home turf? Not a whole lot of teams have.

Not that it condones jumping on the logo - I never like to see that - but they just knocked off the #1 team in the nation. I don't expect shenanigans, but I don't expect them to just walk off the field like they expected it to happen either.

Disagree. Even if you haven't had a ton of success as of late, you should carry yourself with class whether you win or lose. That was pansy and bush league and I credit Zook for trying to stop it. I would be willing to bet it was started by some non Ohio State recruited kid who decided he would be a tough guy and jump on the Block O like a jackass. A kid that likely didn't receive an offer because he lacked the grades to get into O-State.

...I just can't wait to see how far we tumble...every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the media was licking their chops waiting for it.
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I just got back from a wedding reception, heard the score of the game in the car. Disappointed, yes; but as said - nothing wrong with the Rose Bowl.

Its been a great ride so far and its not over just yet. I dont think Illinois won this game so much as we gave it away.. - but there will be other victories.

I'm really praying that Ark beats LSU, Oregon loses, WVU loses, OU loses and Kansas loses and maybe Missouri... then our title hopes might still be in tact :biggrin:

I wont lie though, it hurts losing to a team you know your better than.
Not a put down to Illinois at all, they came - and they played. However if we were to bring our A game, this should have been a whole other story.

We have Michigan next week, and nothing takes away the pain of the past quite like the future. Here's too kicking some Wolverine ass and a shot at the Grand-daddy of them all! :drunks:
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Honestly I wasn't pissed at all when I saw Illinois dancing at midfield. Like HailtoMichigan said they just knocked off the #1 team in the nation. Their coaches were being mugged/gatoraided/interviewed and weren't there to facilitate their celebrating (once Zook saw what was happening you saw him motioning to the locker rooms). These were immature kids being just that KIDS. It is disrespectful and it crosses the line but like someone else said they haven't been there before and this was huge! I don't think they said "lets go dance at midfield", but usually midfield is where the teams meet to say goodgame and stuff and that happens to be where the Illinois players were congradulating each other as well.
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HailToMichigan;990488; said:
Been where - beating the #1 team on their home turf? Not a whole lot of teams have.

Not that it condones jumping on the logo - I never like to see that - but they just knocked off the #1 team in the nation. I don't expect shenanigans, but I don't expect them to just walk off the field like they expected it to happen either.

Standing on your oppnents logo is taunting not celebrating.
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OWUBuckeye51;990498; said:
I expect them to act like men...not a bunch of ninnies who just won the 7th grade jr league title.

You can act like a man!!!!!!!
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bukIpower;990499; said:
These were immature kids being just that KIDS.

If you can vote, die for your country, and get married, you are a MAN not a kid.

Come to think of it, I should be telling this to myself...I am damn near 30 years old and I was acting like a 12 year old...screaming, yelling, ranting and raving. I am just as bad as the Illinois players.

Thank God _ichigan lost today. Truth be told, they were due after the Sparty collapse.
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Buckeneye;990497; said:
I just got back from a wedding reception

Okay, I need to discuss a certain subject with you: priorities.

I assume you are married. Otherwise, you would not miss an Ohio State game for a wedding. Still, there are other options.

I missed a wedding (in which my wife was a bridesmaid!), claiming to be "coming shortly" and instead "never showing." An Ohio State games was on, you see (vs. Michigan 2002).

Sacrifices need made. Including marriages.

I am joking of course, kind of (true about my account-- and I was BUSTED bad). . .
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haha i'm with you... I lost my voice today screaming at a TV!! On a side note if you think these "men" on illinois' football team or ours for that matter are fully matured you're probably wrong. I mean how many times in college (i'm still in college) have you heard of the stupid/crazy things the students do? The age group of these players 17-28 (thanks a lot pretorious) are not that mature really. Again the whole thing is being chalked up too much...

Anyone else blow a gasket when Tressel called a time out when Illinois was about to punt the ball to us?? I KNEW that if we called a TO they were coming back to go for it on 4th on inches. You had them content to punt the ball back to us and look what happens? Who cares if you didn't have the right people on the field? let them kick it and we atleast have a shot in the end..
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