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Game Thread Illinois 28, Ohio State 21 (final)

Big Papa;990427; said:
Man, I could not say it any better OCBF. This was the game that scared me the most on the schedule. The Illini are a much better team that years past and the play of Juice really scared me, and proved to be for good reason. He reminded me a lot of Troy in that game. Illinois had to play a perfect game to win and that is what they did. Their defense frustrated Todd all day and had him rattled in the pocket, making uncharacteristicly bad throws. Anyway, congrats to Illinois, they deserved to win that game.

As far as the Bucks, I am disappointed, but I still love this team and the way they play. I have all the confidence in the world that they will beat scUM in The Game next week and go on the play (most likely) in the Rose Bowl and win that game as well. Being #1 had to be a lot of pressure on this young team. The Bucks losing is the worst thing that could have happened from a scUM perspective. This team will come out focused and pissed off next week and will feast on some weasel.


Who here has seen this:


This is SI's prediction at the beginning of the season for us, saying we would finish third in the Big10, now we have a chance to actually win the conference. What's my point? All is not lost, our first goal should always be to win our conference, and if that works out, we go for the NC.

We were starting a new quarterback, replacing a Heisman trophy winner, we lost 2 first round draft picks at receiver.

Look, starting tomorrow, it's Michigan week, we can't change the past, we can only learn from it. If you want to sit and complain about the team, fine, just don't come here and flood the forum with it. It's been a magical season.

Credit goes to Zook, but the future credit will go to Tressel, we'll learn from this, adjust and come back and show what we have learned. I feel a little for the fans, but I feel the most for the seniors today who lost their last game at the Shoe.

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Kiki_Buckeye;990432; said:
That's not necessarily true. Most of the teams in the SEC get alot of respect year to year. The Buckeyes are good, but most people outside of Buckeye nation don't think much of our team or the Big Ten.

I like this guy. He's funny.

Does everyone else like this guy too?

Btw, Kiki (is that Hawaiian?), I want to introduce you to Mililani. He's not here right now, but you'll meet him soon. I have a feeling you two will become fast friends. . .
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OCBucksFan;990436; said:
Who here has seen this:


This is SI's prediction at the beginning of the season for us, saying we would finish third in the Big10, now we have a chance to actually win the conference. What's my point? All is not lost, our first goal should always be to win our conference, and if that works out, we go for the NC.

We were starting a new quarterback, replacing a Heisman trophy winner, we lost 2 first round draft picks at receiver.


I dont really care about the SI predictions or other's predictions of 3-4 losses... having watched the B10 all year, we are the best team in this conference by alot.. if we played these teams 10 times we'd beat most of them every time...

Therefore, this is a huge disappointment and crushing defeat
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Kiki_Buckeye;990407; said:
YOU GTFOH - YOU AREN'T ON THE TEAM ZOOKBOY..you want to defend shitty play and look forward to playing an interconference game, then fine. WTF, WEEEE don't even have a conference championship.

Calling the team on bad performance does not mean lack of support for the Buckeyes. I just refuse to give the Illini credit where credit is not due. WEEEEE suxed and because WEEEEEE suxed, WEEEEEEE lost a chance at the NC. And yeah, being 10-1 and losing that fine opportunity is a damn shame.

Beating a 10-3 team who lost to Appy isn't all that exciting in the big scheme of things. Vindicating last years debacle would have earned US a little more respect on the national scene.

Don't think I am quoting your posts because you made any great points...

The only reason I am quoting your post is because of the point you tried to make about not giving Illinois any credit...

You gotta give credit where credit is due...There are so many buckeye fans that act like we are the greatest thing and we are invincible and if something goes bad, well hell it wasn't because the other team outplayed us, or made the bigger plays, or maybe just maybe they have a better team. There are always excuses being made...Maybe it helps some ease the sting of the lose, but you know what, everything in life is no fun if you always succeed, sometimes you don't bring your best effort, for whatever reason...It has happened to us before this and it will happen to us after this and yes it sucks, and that is why reporters talk about trap games, can they get up for this game, etc....Week in and week out...

This is what will make the time we do win it all that much more excitable, we can all look back on that lose to UF last year, the lose to Illinois today and say man those sucked, but this one is great...I understand we want to win it all every year, but it is not easy to win it all every year...

For those dogging these guys and saying they werent out there giving it their all are just out of line IMO...Those kids wanted to win that game more than anyone of us on here wanted us to win it...But you know what loses happen, I mean look at the streaks we had going we have been lucky as fan to have great student athletes, great coaches, and a lot of wins to cheer for...

Now lets close this thread down with some good thoughts about how this team has exceeded mosts expectations in the fact that we were picked 3rd in the big ten, and we have a chance to win back to back to back big ten championship, and while it is a slimmer of hope there is still a chance to get back to the NC game, and if not we will be looking at another BCS bowl...I mean how many have we been to...I have lost count...

So please guys give Illinois credit for playing a near perfect game, and don't knock our guys while they are down, because they are feel worse than what we do...
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Ohio State did get Zooked today.

Illinois played the game of their lives. They made no mistakes, capitalized on Ohio State's mistakes, coached a great game, and had a little luck.

That's a Ron Zook coached team. Look at the games he won and lost while at Florida. Today was a classic Ron Zook coaching moment. Bet the house on Northwestern next week because that's exactly the type of game that he loses.

Ron Zook will win one or two that he has no business winning and lose one or two that he has no business losing.

At Florida that gets you fired.
At Illinois it gets you a lifetime contract and a statue.:biggrin:
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I have not read any of this thread, as I admit that I took this game for granted. I was not concerned about any injuries, not concerned about point spreads, not concerned about overlooking a young team, not concerned about looking ahead to the Blew, not concerned about a run-first spread offense, not concerned about hosting Illinois on senior day, even though we only have 2 4-year-scholarship seniors.

But give credit to Illinois. They outplayed the Buckeyes today. You can figure in the non-fumble-for-a-touchback call all day, but it might not have mattered. Had we went up 14-0, that would have been a different story, but we would have started on the 20. Besides the big plays right before the TD's we didn't have much of an offense today. I'm not convinced those 80 yards and that Illinois TD would have made a difference in the outcome. We were outplayed. They have athletes, and they just wanted it more. It's hard to say it as I'm sure it's hard to hear it. Life goes on, Go Bucks!
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starBUCKS;990453; said:
Bueller..... Bueller.....Bueller. Anyone think Jenkins and more get suspended for next weeks game?

I was wondering this myself...my guess is no. I think for Michigan, and since it appeared at least that the Illini were instigating the situation, I think he will still start. I think the vest is good about monitoring the emotions of the players, and understanding them. It was a tough loss, the players' title hopes are gone...I think he will give Jenkins the benefit of the doubt,
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starBUCKS;990455; said:
Throwing a punch at the end.

schwab;990456; said:
#2 and #80 were the 2 most obvious to me.....:!

I had stepped away as soon as the clock hit 0:00, so I didn't see the confrontations, but if it in retalitation for punk-assed Illini players dancing on the "O", I don't see anyone getting suspended. They'll get an ass-chewing and have to run gassers, but you can't get too pissed for players defending against disrespect...
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