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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

coryhulbert;1551470; said:
This D is nasty and yet I don't think they will ever get any respect.

Actually, the D is getting a lot of love from some place very unexpected - Michigan Scout board:


Posted: Today 5:43 PM
Ohio State DL

is loaded with godless killing machines.

It hurts to say that but their defense is top notch. Anyone else watching OSU - Illinois?
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buckeyes_rock;1551479; said:
Just read that Homan left the game with an injury. I must've missed that. Anyone remember what happened?

If that's the case and misses a week or multiple weeks, I'm still confident that Spitler, Sabino, and/or Sweat can step in and have similar intensity as Homan.
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Dryden;1551483; said:
I think my favorite post from the Scout Illini board was this one, only 5 minutes into the game:

I looked at IlliniLoyalty(something like that)

Wow they hate Williams, and all their coaches. Bottom line, they miss Mendenhall. They really have looked worse each year since 07.

But even they complimented our D

"I was about right on the margin unfortunately. I expected us to at least score though. Ohio State offense was unimpressive to me. Defense was very impressive. ABC coverage was an embarrassment."

Go Bucks!!!
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fanaticbuckeye;1551491; said:
shame on me for doing it, but I was reading the Illini forum and they are calling for Coleman to be suspended. What did I miss?

Unnecessary hit after the play was blown dead late in the game... Nothing to be suspended for. But something that he will pay for in practice.
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fanaticbuckeye;1551491; said:
shame on me for doing it, but I was reading the Illini forum and they are calling for Coleman to be suspended. What did I miss?

In the 4th quarter, Coleman lead with his head into a pile and hit the Illinois player. He was then pulled from the game.

Instead of a coach getting in his face about it, he just trotted off smiling and laughing. Didnt seem very characteristic of Coleman to do such a thing, but I guess when you've been playing with high adrenaline for 3+ hours, odd things will happen.

He certainly deserves some sort of reprimand, maybe sit a quarter or two.
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SEREbuckeye;1551497; said:
In the 4th quarter, Coleman lead with his head into a pile and hit the Illinois player. He was then pulled from the game.

Instead of a coach getting in his face about it, he just trotted off smiling and laughing. Didnt seem very characteristic of Coleman to do such a thing, but I guess when you've been playing with high adrenaline for 3+ hours, odd things will happen.

He certainly deserves some sort of reprimand, maybe sit a quarter or two.

IIRC, it was his shoulder not his head that he lead with and I don't think he was happy with himself. He was laughing it off because he knew he made a mistake.
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MondayAMGenius;1551495; said:
"Ohio State offense was unimpressive to me."

Quoting what you quoted.. But how can they not be impressed by the holes the O-Line was creating in the 2nd quarter? Fatass Lendale White could fit through those holes!

I'm sorry, the passing game was very unimpressive. But the way they ran the ball today, instilled some confidence for me. Gave hope that even though we don't have a bruiser like Beanie.. We can still make some big time noise in the rushing game.
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So many positives to take from this game. Will post more later but kudos to Coach Tress and the rest of the coaching staff for calling a GREAT game on both sides of the ball. And kudos to the Offense, Defense and Special Teams. Finally, kudos to 105,000 screaming fans who stayed the entire game, though there was a pretty heavy rainfall through much of the game.



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