Don't Immanentize the Eschaton
How do you do it as a disciple of Jesus? I am guessing there is probably a tie back to the escaping of our holiday culture as part of that.
The short answer is that as a Messianic, I try to live my "Christian" walk as best I can from the perspective of the first generation of Jesus' followers...at least as best as one can in the 21st century. As everyone knows, Jesus wasn't actually born around Dec 25, but less well known is that the celebration of His birth at any time of the year is a third century development. As I told my mother when she was horrified to hear I was giving up Christmas, you can't find anywhere in Scripture instruction to remember His birth. This is not denying the beautiful message of God's Love for the world in the "Christmas Story" as found in the first chapters of Matthew, Luke, and John, but I find it more meaningful to dwell on this message when I celebrate Sukkot (i.e. Feast of Tabernacles) in September/October. During this time of year, I do keep Chanukah, but other than giving my daughter gifts and lighting the chanukiah, it is personally a time for rededicating myself to God. I do this by reading 1 and 2 Maccabees and dwelling upon my own need to remove cultural influences that I have accepted, which are contrary to the instructions of God.
Also, I haven't given up Christmas 100% in the sense that my family still goes to my parents every year on the 25th. We allow gifts to be given to my daughter (we tell then they are late Chanukah gifts) and we give gifts to my nephews, but it really is just a family gathering, much like at Thanksgiving.