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lvbuckeye;1919431; said:
the only reason tOSU "self reported" was Yahoo broke the story.


Ohio State had already notified the NCAA of the infractions before the Yahoo story and had not yet published their recommendations and punishments. The only thing the Yahoo story did was speed up the press conference announcing it.
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BB73;1920269; said:
He signed the form in September, and he obviously should have disclosed his emails when the story broke in December, but I don't recall anything that actually says he was specifically "asked about it" before January when the emails were discovered. From December, I have a recollection of him saying vague things, but nothing that indicates that he was questioned about having any knowledge of the situation.

He obviously wasn't forthcoming, but the "not being honest ...when asked about it" may fall into the "assumes facts not in evidence" category. You certainly may research old articles and post links as part of your re-direct. :wink2:

That would be the official self report letter from tOSU's Gordon Gee.
Second self-report letter (PDF)
Page 3, item iii

We agree he said "vague things" in December. :paranoid:

(The last time we discussed this you noted that he was "informally asked" by tOSU, so I note that in advance. While it is a distinction of sorts, I don't think it's one that the NCAA will consider that relevant. But to be fair, he answered that he had received a tip of "general rumors", that the information "was not specific", that it pertained to "off field choices", regarding "social decisions", that he could not remember who gave him the tip, and that that he did not know that "items had been seized". One would have to compare the e-mails to the statements to make one's own interpretation as to how to describe it. Admittedly there is some room for disagreement. I don't think calling it "not being honest when asked about it" is a mis-characterization, however. )
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Apache;1920313; said:
Just heard and this is just one case, but Thaddeus Gibson actually payed over $17,000 for his car.

That's being discussed in another thread (discussion is in the yahoo and tattoos thread), and it was reported that he paid $13,700.
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Apache;1920313; said:
Just heard and this is just one case, but Thaddeus Gibson actually payed over $17,000 for his car.

BB73;1920316; said:
You're in the wrong thread (discussion is in the yahoo and tattoos thread), and it was reported that he paid $13,700.
Apache, first they kick your post out of the "Stand with" thread, and now here. Native Americans have no home. :shake:

I feel for you my brother. :p
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BUCKYLE;1920204; said:
One of the gravest violations in NCAA rules that they can only punish you for if you tell them you broke it, otherwise, move along, nothing to see here. :lol:

No, not "only punish if you tell them", it's "punish if they found out." They found out. And the "you" can be Tress, but the "you" does not have to include tOSU. They have different interests. If tOSU tells on Tress they dodge the LOIC bullet. They can choose not to rat Tress out for not telling and/or denying it, but they would be SMU stupid to do so. If tOSU had hidden the fact they found the e-mails and the person who found it later narked them out, you might be running on 50 schollies and no bowls or TV for ten years.

Lying to the NCAA is a grave offense. How it went down here is not so important, and it certainly does not make it less grave because of the opportunity to hide it and not turn it in at all.
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BuckeyeMike80;1920291; said:

Ohio State had already notified the NCAA of the infractions before the Yahoo story and had not yet published their recommendations and punishments. The only thing the Yahoo story did was speed up the press conference announcing it.

Apache;1920313; said:
Just heard and this is just one case, but Thaddeus Gibson actually payed over $17,000 for his car.

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I love Tress as a coach and leader of young people. But Tress has now become such damaged goods as a representative of OSU that I see no way he will be effective after this season as the coach. The lynch mob will get their hanging.
And that's really the bottom line.
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Taosman;1920572; said:
I love Tress as a coach and leader of young people. But Tress has now become such damaged goods as a representative of OSU that I see no way he will be effective after this season as the coach. The lynch mob will get their hanging.
And that's really the bottom line.

Sadly, I agree. I think Tressel's days at Ohio State are very limited. That's just the reality of it all. Honestly, my love for college football has been severely compromised, because I deeply respect Tressel. I just don't see a solution where he'll survive.
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Taosman;1920572; said:
I love Tress as a coach and leader of young people. But Tress has now become such damaged goods as a representative of OSU that I see no way he will be effective after this season as the coach. The lynch mob will get their hanging.
And that's really the bottom line.

Sadly, I agree with you. Tressel did something wrong, and he's going to have to pay for it. No matter how many right things he's done, or how well he's led the Buckeyes these past ten years, this issue is going to get him canned.

I'm pretty upset about it, to be honest. I've always respected the guy, and tOSU. I was very much looking forward to the novelty of seeing him on the sidelines of Memorial Stadium this fall, and now it looks like that's not going to happen.

I feel for you guys. He's a great coach. It's sad that it's likely going to end with him resigning in "disgrace."
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daddyphatsacs;1920637; said:
Sadly, I agree. I think Tressel's days at Ohio State are very limited. That's just the reality of it all. Honestly, my love for college football has been severely compromised, because I deeply respect Tressel. I just don't see a solution where he'll survive.

This is why I go back to what I stated way back in this thread, that it is my belief that Tress should resign. This is the best way for him to leave and to begin the healing process for the University, the program, the players, the fans, and for Tress himself.
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